Successful validation in Poland
Text: First Lieutenant Lilla Porcsin-Pallás | Photo: First Lieutenant István Viktor Kapás, First Lieutenant Damian Pryzybysz |  14:52 November 29, 2022The standby service of the European Union was preceded by several training events, following which the soldiers had to prove their combat readiness on Exercise Common Challenge 2022.

The nominated personnel of the Hungarian Defence Forces also participated in the computer assisted command post exercise (CAX-CPX) Common Challenge 2022 conducted by the European Union Battle Group (EUBG) of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries in Krakow, Poland in late November. The battle group will be placed on standby in the first half of 2023. The purpose of the exercise was to provide the battle group with an opportunity for training as well as for evaluating and certifying its activities, as a result of which it can reach Full Operational Capability (FOC).
During the exercise, the staff of the command post had to react to various incidents, so they were able to demonstrate their ability to quickly and professionally react to and handle any situation that may occur on a deployment. The staff of the command post successfully completed the exercise and reached FOC, so they can enter the standby period starting from 1 January.

The EU Battle Groups are multi-modular ad hoc military units with kinetic and non-kinetic capabilities, which are always on standby for a period of 6 months. This standby duty is performed by the troops of the Visegrád Four countries (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic), as well as Croatia and Latvia, under Polish command. Hungary has an important role in the battle group, as in the next standby period, the deputy commander position of the Force Headquarters (FHQ) will be filled by a Hungarian senior officer, Colonel István Hajnal, the commander of the HDF 24th Gergely Bornemissza Reconnaissance Regiment.