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Defence news


Hungary Has a Peace Strategy

11:36 October 21, 2024
It is not the war that Hungary supports but peace; and as a committed NATO ally, we do everything to strengthen our country and through that, the Alliance, underlined the defence minister at the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence in Brussels.
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Goodbye, Mi-17! Welcome, H225M!

15:08 October 21, 2024
The new H225M helicopter of the EUFOR Operation Althea was handed over ceremonially in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo on 17 October. The new and modern rotorcraft is replacing the Mi-17 helicopter serving in the mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina since January.
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Restoration After Flood

15:19 October 21, 2024
The military machinery offered by Hungary to Bosnia and Herzegovina arrived at Camp Butmir, which hosts the EUFOR Operation Althea, on the evening of 17 October. In the following period, the Hungarian military engineers – meeting the demand of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian authorities and coordinated by the EUFOR – participated in the elimination of damages caused by the flood and landslides.
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EU Military Committee session in Budapest

11:23 October 18, 2024
The European Union Military Committee held its session at Chiefs of Defence level in Budapest between 14–15 October. The event was followed by a visit to Exercise Brave Warrior 24-EU. During the session, defence chiefs from 26 EU member states discussed issues together with chiefs of defence from several Western Balkan partner countries. The EUMC session held at Castle Garden Bazaar has only been the second one held outside of Brussels.

Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: agreement reached with Sweden on joint development of Gripen fighters

12:57 October 17, 2024
The agreement concluded with the Swedish defence minister on the joint development of Gripen fighter aircraft can be called historic – this was what Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky announced in his video published on his Facebook page on Wednesday.

We have set our sights on consolidating the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base

10:49 October 17, 2024
The changing security environment presents us with new challenges, so we deem military development and the fielding of new weapon systems to be indispensable. To meet these needs, Hungary firmly stands up for the strengthening of the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) – said General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of HDF General Staff at the multinational Exercise Brave Warrior 24-EU in the HDF Central Training Area and Shooting Range on Wednesday, 16 October.

Hungarian defence forces

General Staff Hungarian Defence Forces

Land Command Hungarian Defence Forces

Joint Special Operations Command Hungarian Defence Forces

Air Force Command Hungarian Defence Forces

Cyber Operations Command Hungarian Defence Forces

Logistic Support Command Hungarian Defence Forces

Force-Modernisation and Transformation Command Hungarian Defence Forces

Hungarian Defence Forces Territorial Defence Forces Command

Other organizations

State and Military leaders

Honvédelmi Minisztérium

Ministry of defence

Szalay-Bobrovniczky Kristóf

Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky

Minister of Defence
Vargha Tamás

Tamás Vargha

Parliamentary State Secretary, Deputy Minister
Vidoven Árpád

Dr. Árpád Vidoven

Permanent State Secretary
Barthel-Rúzsa Zsolt

Zsolt Barthel-Rúzsa

State Secretary for the Control of Military National Security
Kutnyánszky Zsolt

Dr. Zsolt Kutnyánszky

State Secretary for Defence Strategy and Human Resources
Schmidt Ádám

Dr. Ádám Schmidt

State Secretary for Sport
Magyar Honvédség

General Staff Hungarian Defence Forces


General Dr. Gábor Böröndi

Chief of General Staff Hungarian Defence Forces

Lieutenant General Ferenc Kajári

Deputy Chief of General Staff Hungarian Defence Forces
Takács Attila altábornagy úr 10-15 cm méret

Lieutenant General Attila Géza Takács

Deputy Chief of General Staff for Regional Defence
Schmidt Zoltán vezérőrnagy úr

Major General Zoltán Schmidt

Deputy Chief of General Staff for Economic Affairs

Major General Zoltán Somogyi

Director of General Staff
Kaszab Zoltán főtörzszászlós úr

Chief Warrant Officer Zoltán Kaszab

Command Sergeant Major, Hungarian Defence Forces