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Hungary is Stronger and More Secure with Every Trained Soldier!

They have taken an oath: Love it, protect it!

Text: defence.hu | Photo: Sztaniszláv Horváth, Ákos Pintér |  15:02 October 15, 2024

“Today, you took an oath to defend the homeland and the Hungarian nation. With this, you follow in the footsteps of those Hungarian defenders who during our history, lived and died with honour and defended our homeland, Hungary, for the Hungarians”, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the oath-taking ceremony held at the end of the “Love it, protect it!” reservist campaign in Budapest on 12 October. Never have so many – 1179 – reservists taken oath in the modern-day history of the Hungarian Defence Forces.


“Be the force that the nation can count on in all times and circumstances. From now on, you are also Hungarian soldiers. Be role models, be soldiers in both uniform and civilian life, who are looked up to in your environment and who are worth to be followed”, said Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky. Since the HDF switched to all-volunteer military augmentation, never have so many – exactly 1179 – people taken oath in one place at once. Altogether 2600 patriots have decided to choose the volunteer reservist military service. Out of the fresh enlistees, 300 continue to serve the homeland among the contracted personnel of the HDF.

“Territorial defence reservists are required to defend the homeland, just as our professional and contract soldiers. Hungary is stronger and more secure with every trained soldier because peace and security are not evident, peace requires strength. Therefore, we continue to increase the strength of the HDF and rebuild the complete national defence system with great commitment”, said the minister.


Chief of Defence General Dr. Gábor Böröndi underlined, drawing a comparison with the famous oath of the defenders of Eger Castle, that today’s security environment is getting more and more complex and we need each citizen to undertake a role in the different forms of defence. “You have undertaken the task of serving the defence of our homeland even under the hardest circumstances and you are ready to defend Hungary against any challenge. The moment of the oath-taking not only arms you but also gives faith and security to the rest of the citizens, the whole of Hungary. They see the guarantee of their security in you and as your commander, I expect you to meet this demand in all circumstances. This oath obliges you to always do your best and be prepared for service anytime anywhere. Your service contributes not only to the present but also to the future, ensuring that Hungary remains strong, secure and free” – emphasized the chief of defence.

He added that it was proven during the flood control in September that the territorial defence system is an indispensable element of the national defence capabilities. Praising the success of the “Love it, protect it!” reservist recruitment campaign, which ended recently, the chief of defence underlined that it turned out that society considers participation in defending the homeland important. Besides the increase in the number of reservist personnel, it is even more important that during the basic training, an increasing number of people gain theoretical and practical knowledge that they can use to defend the homeland not only during their military service but also in their everyday lives.

At the end of the ceremony, the eldest reservist veteran passed the baton to the youngest oath-taking reservist.


The Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces started the “Love it, protect it!” countrywide recruitment campaign in the summer, which was highly successful. The campaign aimed at providing everyone with the opportunity to do their part in defending the homeland by taking on reservist service near their domicile. During the static displays and dynamic demonstrations following the oath-taking, the audience had the opportunity to see the newest high-tech equipment of the modern Hungarian Defence Forces, such as the Leopard 2A7HU main battle tank, the Lynx armoured personnel carrier fighting vehicle and the Gidrán.

Besides the digital military introduction of the HDF NCO Academy, the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing and the Bálna Defence Centre took simulators, while the HDF Cyber Command computer-based games to the site of the oath-taking ceremony, in the Zrínyi Miklós Barracks at the Budapest campus of the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training of the Ludovika University of Public Service.

The HDF Material Supply Storebase, the HDF 1st Special Operations Group and the HDF 102nd CBRN Regiment prepared with a display of equipment and weapons, while the HDF 14th Engineer Regiment with light and heavy diving gears. Electronic intelligence and unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicles were displayed by the HDF 2nd ISR Regiment, while the HDF 1st EOD and Riverine Guard Regiment amused the audience with an EOD robot, bomb suits, metal detectors and shield and deactivated explosive devices.