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Captain Csaba Búz

202411_ Wise Foresight_gyakorlat_Ujdorogd_0

Hungarian–Romanian Mixed Peacekeeping Battalion exercises at Újdörögd

08:51 November 27, 2024

The Hungarian–Romanian Mixed Peacekeeping Battalion held its usual annual exercise at Újdörögd in mid-November. Conducted under realistic circumstances, the training event simulated a fictitious peace enforcement operation.

20240508_Best Squad Competition_Szlovénia-VZ_SAF (nyitó)

Soldiers from Hódmezővásárhely in the Slovenian Mountains

16:17 June 3, 2024

The Hungarian Defence Forces were represented by the soldiers of the HDF 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade at the Best Squad Competition, recently organized by the Slovenian Armed Forces.


Change of Command at the Mixed Battalion

15:22 February 26, 2024

The Hungarian–Romanian Mixed Peacekeeping Battalion recently held a change of command ceremony in Arad. The battalion will be led by Major Dávid Szent-Imrey for a year.


Hódmezővásárhely troops take part in exercise near Arad

09:00 September 7, 2023

On Monday, 4 September the soldiers of the Hungarian–Romanian Mixed Peacekeeping Battalion started a one-week training program related to Exercise Wise Foresight on the shooting range and training ground near Arad, Romania.