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Field Trip to Naples

Text: Allied Joint Force Command Naples | Photo: JFC Naples |  14:26 May 15, 2024

Students of the Senior Military Leader Postgraduate University Level Programme visited the NATO Joint Force Command Naples last week, within the framework of their field trip to Southern Europe. They learned about the tasks, activity and organizational structure of the command operating in Naples.

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They listened to several presentations about the tasks, areas of responsibility and cooperation system of the command, as well as about decision-making processes, functions and order of operation of the organizational elements in the structure together with Colonel Ferenc Kovács, Head of General Staff Training Institute, Ludovika University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training.

They had the opportunity to get to know more closely NATO’s operations planning process (OPP), current planning tasks as well as the operations and military activities led by JFC Naples, including the international peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR), NATO’s training mission in Iraq (NATO Mission Iraq – NMI) and the NATO Support to Earthquake Relief Efforts in Türkiye (NSERET), as well as vigilance activities, enhanced vigilance activities and their order of command and control.

Training tasks and the planned future exercises of the command were also mentioned. Besides, Hungarian students could gain an insight into the operation, task system and more important research results of the NATO Strategic Direction South HUB (NSD-S HUB).

At the end of the program, the group of students received supplementary information from the Hungarian personnel serving at the command – during an informal conversation – about the requirements that must be met by the NATO Joint Force Command Naples.