Minister of Defence receives US–Hungary Business Council delegation
Text: Ministry of Defence | Photo: WO Lajos Szabó |  09:05 October 8, 2021The top leaders of leading American companies recently visited Budapest already for the sixth time, in the organization of the US–Hungary Business Council. On Thursday, 14 October, on behalf of the defence portfolio, Defence Minister Dr. Tibor Benkő received 14 representatives of eight companies who arrived, among others, from the fields of defence industry, cyber defence, pharmaceutical industry, medical technology industry, oil and gas industry as well as tobacco industry.
The minister of defence informed the guests about Hungary’s security environment, the directions of its defence policy, the ongoing defence industry procurements as well as the National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program. As he noted, “our goal is to develop the Hungarian Defence Forces by adapting to the changed security environment. As a result of the National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program, the HDF will become premier and modern forces on a regional level, meeting contemporary requirements and capable of tackling present and potential future security challenges. In addition, the implementation of this plan helps the revival of Hungarian defence industry as well.”
Dr. Tibor Benkő pointed out that Hungary contributes to addressing NATO’s capability shortfall affecting the Central European region. In the framework of this contribution, together with our partners, we have established the Headquarters Multinational Division – Centre (HQ MND-C), and the Regional Special Operations Component Command (R-SOCC).
During the discussion, it was stated that the government of Hungary is committed to transatlantic cooperation and considers the American-Hungarian bilateral defence cooperation as important for the development of national capabilities. The development of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) capability of the Hungarian Defence Forces is going on with American support and the use of an American model”, said the minister.
After the discussion Márton Bese, Deputy Head of the MoD Defence Policy Department held a lecture for the American delegation on current issues in Hungarian defence policy.