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NATO Logistics Course organized with international participation in Hungary

Text: Lieutenant Colonel Csaba László Tar | Photo: HDF General Staff Logistic Directorate |  14:15 November 19, 2024

In the first week of November, the Faculty of Military Science and Officer Training at the Ludovika University of Public Service hosted a NATO logistic operations course.

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Organized by the HDF General Staff Logistic Directorate, the training course, which was successfully completed by Hungarian and foreign soldiers alike, was provided by the mobile instructor team of the Prague-based Multinational Logistic Coordination Centre (MLCC).

According to plans, in 2025, further NATO-accredited logistic courses will be organized, offering curriculums with gradually widening scope. The future training programs will promote not only the preparation of those serving in the field of operational logistics, but also successful service in an allied environment.

The organization of NATO logistics courses in Hungary is one of the most efficient ways of increasing preparedness, as the course participants obtain the necessary items of knowledge in English in a relatively short time, at favorable costs.