Qatari Delegation in Hungary
Text: Vivien Takács, HDF General Staff | Photo: Warrant Officer Lajos Szabó, Sztaniszláv Horváth |  11:47 November 23, 2023The eight-member delegation of the Qatar Armed Forces arrived for a five-day visit to Hungary on Tuesday, 21 November. The delegation headed by Brigadier General Dr. Yusuf Ahmed al-Kayed was received by General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of HDF General Staff in his office.
At the meeting, the deepening of the military cooperation framework between the two countries received an essential role during the discussions, with a particular emphasis on the fields of education and specialized training. The head of the Qatari delegation said that proper training according to NATO STANAGs is especially important for his country, which is why the opportunity to cooperate with NATO member states has great significance for them, especially with those who have adopted military equipment similar to theirs, such as the Leopard 2A7 Main Battle Tank or the PzH 2000 self-propelled artillery pieces. During the discussions, the two generals also agreed on the preparation of further staff-level professional coordination.
In what followed, the delegation of the Qatari military leaders visited the Zalaegerszeg-based Rheinmetall Hungary plant, where they saw the manufacturing process of the KF41 variant of the Lynx armored fighting vehicle.
On 22 November, the modern and effective artillery pieces of the Hungarian armed forces were introduced to the guests at the HDF 1st Armored Brigade in Tata. The delegation was received by Brigadier General Gábor Lőrincz, Commander, HDF Land Component Command, then Colonel István Tóth, the commander of the unit talked about the activities, the organizational structure and the technical equipment of the brigade. During the tour of the barracks, the members of the delegation first saw the PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzer simulators located in the Cupola, and then they could observe the Leopard A4HU Main Battle Tank, the Gidrán armored combat vehicle and the Panzerhaubitze 2000 self-propelled howitzer – among others – on a static display.
In the remaining part of the week, the guests will have further professional discussions with the leaders of HDF Land Component Command.

Qatari delegation visits Rheinmetall plant in Zalaegerszeg
12:08 November 22, 2023