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The Goal is Always the Podium

The Hungarian Parachuting Team Has a Chance Even at the Difficult Szandaszőlős Airport

Text: Ágnes B. Halmos | Photo: Sztaniszláv Horváth |  16:23 July 5, 2024

Hungary is a country full of sports talents and it can also be seen in the Hungarian Defence Forces as the parachuting team is among the best in the world, said Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Tamás Vargha in Szolnok on 3 July.


Tamás Vargha said at the opening ceremony of the 46th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship that the Hungarian government is committed to supporting sports. In this world full of difficulties, sports show the way and teach us to fair play and the competing parties can learn to see each other as competitors, not as enemies, he added. Besides, sports create connections among sportsmen/sportswomen and the audience and through the joint experiences, teach us to respect each other.

The state secretary also said that our past and historical heritage show that human life, peace and freedom are vulnerable and irreplaceable values. Following the tragic world wars of the 20th century, several European countries considered it a new goal that soldiers meet rather on sports fields than on the battlefield. The International Military Sports Council (CISM) was established in this spirit in 1948, and Hungary joined it in 1991, he recalled.


Tamás Vargha emphasized that the members of the parachuting team of the HDF besides their sports performance, set examples with their outstanding professional knowledge, which is a fundamental value of the Hungarian armed forces. He also said that Hungary takes pride in being able to host this championship again after six years. “It is an honour to our country, our nation and the town of Szolnok that we can receive again the world’s military parachutist elite”, said the state secretary, adding that it is also a great opportunity to show our military unity and strength.

Ferenc Szalay, the mayor of Szolnok, said in his speech that the town and the army have been related for decades, or we could say, centuries: they think together, work together, are happy together and are sad together.


Following the opening ceremony, Colonel Levente Réz, chief of staff of the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing and the competition director of the championship, told us that they have already tested every system, will begin the test jumps in the afternoon and are preparing for the competition to start tomorrow. “It was raining a bit yesterday but it was needed so that we can start the competition today with the weather getting better and better. On day zero, the accuracy landing event began and the style jumps could also be held”, said the colonel.

The 46th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship is held between 3 and 12 July in Szolnok. The event is hosted by the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing and is provided by their H145M and H225M helicopters.

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