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The Sahel is Especially Important to Hungary

The Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy had a Discussion with the High Representative of the Coalition for the Sahel

Text: Ministry of Defence |  13:51 June 18, 2024

MoD Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy László Hajnik received the Mauritanian-born Hamadi Meimou, High Representative of the Coalition for the Sahel in the Balaton Street building of the Ministry of Defence on 11 June.

VPHÁT Hamadi Meimou_HM_1

Hamadi Meimou, the former minister of foreign affairs of Mauritania, said, in connection with the Brussels-based and Sahel-focused organization, that its main scope of activities is the promotion of dialogue among the 53 member states in an African-African and African-European relation. The Coalition is working along four pillars: 1. fight against terrorism, 2. strengthening the capabilities of the G5 Sahel states’ armed forces, 3. support for the return of the State and administrations in the territory and 4. development assistance.

The parties agreed on the importance of handling the challenges of the Sahel and supported the idea of doing so at the place of origin. The Sub-Saharan region must face several difficulties (such as terrorism, lack of security, institutional underdevelopment, poor quality of education, lack of drinking water supply and health problems). These affect the security of Europe either directly or indirectly. That is why it is important that Hungary is dealing with the Sahel as a distinguished issue related to the upcoming Hungarian rotating EU presidency. In the shadow of the Russo-Ukrainian War, many member states think that tackling the challenges from the South is of secondary importance, even though the pressure of illegal migration and terrorism has not decreased. Due to the wave of coups in the Sahel, today Mauritania and Chad are the only stable states in the region. Therefore, Hungary offers a complex support package to Chad, which includes humanitarian aid, medical mission and agricultural development support. The objectives of the military mission initiated upon the request of the president of Chad are to help curb migration, support the fight against terrorism and provide security for local developments. Security is not possible without development, nor is development possible without security. High Representative Hamadi Meimou also fully agreed with the Hungarian position.