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Kinga Szováthy - 4. oldal

V4HRB 06

Defence industry cooperation, migration and the Ukraine–Russia tension

08:48 January 31, 2022

On Friday, 28 January the meeting of the defence and law enforcement committees of the parliaments of the V4 countries and Slovenia took place in Kölcsey Centre, Debrecen. The speakers of the meeting, among others, included Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces as well.

V4HRB 06

Defence industry cooperation, migration and the Ukraine–Russia tension

07:59 January 31, 2022

On Friday, 28 January the meeting of the defence and law enforcement committees of the parliaments of the V4 countries and Slovenia took place in Kölcsey Centre, Debrecen. The speakers of the meeting, among others, included Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces as well.

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We must preserve and cherish their memory

14:55 January 24, 2022

“The Hungarian people will preserve and cherish the soldiers’ memory forever”, said Defence Minister Tibor Benkő in Hejce on 19 January. Speaking at a military honors ceremony, the minister of defence of Hungary underlined that soldiers offer the noblest thing, their own lives for their nation, which is why we must think of them with pride.

BiH 06

Our homeland owes the soldiers recognition and thanks

13:33 December 15, 2021

On Tuesday, 14 December President of Hungary János Áder paid a visit to the Force Headquarters of EUFOR Operation Althea in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. The head of state’s entourage included Defence Minister Dr. Tibor Benkő and Lieutenant General Dr. Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces, who also visited the Hungarian soldiers serving in a foreign mission during the holiday season.

BiH 05

Our homeland owes the soldiers recognition and thanks

13:20 December 15, 2021

On Tuesday, 14 December President of Hungary János Áder paid a visit to the Force Headquarters of EUFOR Operation Althea in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. The head of state’s entourage included Defence Minister Dr. Tibor Benkő and Lieutenant General Dr. Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces, who also visited the Hungarian soldiers serving in a foreign mission during the holiday season.


Past, present and future in Hungary–U.S. relations

13:33 December 14, 2021

On Monday, 13 December, lectures and a mutual exchange of ideas were organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Hungary–U.S. diplomatic relations at the Ludovika Campus of the National University of Public Service, Budapest. State Secretary for Defence István Szabó delivered a welcome speech at the ceremonial event.

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Chief of Staff of Hungarian Defence Forces Command receives Spain’s ambassador and Spanish defence attaché to Budapest

13:37 December 1, 2021

On Tuesday, 30 November Lieutenant General Zoltán Mihócza, Chief of Staff, Hungarian Defence Forces Command received in his office Spanish Ambassador HE Ms. Anunciada Fernández de Córdova and Colonel Juan Escrigas Rodríguez, Spain’s defence attaché accredited to Budapest. The visit is an outstanding one because it was almost ten years ago that the last military meeting at such a high level took place between the two countries.

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Minister of Defence receives Spanish ambassador

13:18 December 1, 2021

On Tuesday, November 30 Defence Minister Dr. Tibor Benkő received in his office Spain’s ambassador to Budapest HE Ms. Anunciada Fernández de Córdova. Also present at the meeting was Colonel A. Escrigas Rodríguez, the new Spanish defence attaché accredited to Hungary.

kfor 29

Hungarian Commander in Charge of KFOR

16:25 October 16, 2021

The Film City Military Base in Kosovo saw a change of command ceremony on 15th October: Major General Ferenc Kajári took over the command of KFOR from Italian General Franco Federici. With his appointment, for the first time in the history of the Kosovo peacekeeping mission, a Hungarian commander will head NATO's 22-year-long mission, for which some four thousand troops from twenty-eight countries are contributed.

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Italian defence policy director visits Budapest

12:02 October 8, 2021

On Thursday, 7 October Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy Dr. Gergely Németh received Major General Giovanni Maria Iannucci, Policy Director, Italian Defence General Staff in Budapest. After the meeting, the major general received the Officer’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit from Defence State Secretary István Szabó.