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Zoltán Vasadi


Hungarian Defence Forces strengthen EUFOR airlift capabilities with new, modern H225M helicopter

13:50 August 12, 2024

Starting from this October, the Mi-17 helicopter declared by Hungary to EUFOR for airlift tasks will be replaced by one of the new Airbus H225M helicopters of the Hungarian Defence Forces – this was announced by MoD State Secretary for Defence Policy, Force Development and Defence Industry Zsolt Kutnyánszky in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo.

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Hungarian military doctor is the face of EUFOR

13:09 July 24, 2024

In the first days of July, EUFOR Operation Althea launched its latest media campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina aimed at informing the citizens of the Balkan country about the peacekeeping mission, and also at bringing its service personnel closer to the local population. The face of the campaign is Lieutenant (MD) Dr. Anna Tóth, a doctor of the EUFOR Aviation Detachment.