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Hungarian Defence Forces strengthen EUFOR airlift capabilities with new, modern H225M helicopter

Text: Ministry of Defence | Photo: Gergely Schöff, Zoltán Vasadi |  13:50 August 12, 2024

Starting from this October, the Mi-17 helicopter declared by Hungary to EUFOR for airlift tasks will be replaced by one of the new Airbus H225M helicopters of the Hungarian Defence Forces – this was announced by MoD State Secretary for Defence Policy, Force Development and Defence Industry Zsolt Kutnyánszky in Camp Butmir, Sarajevo.


The state secretary emphasized that Hungarian Major General Dr. László Sticz’ holding a one-year command tenure in EUFOR Operation Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a proof of the Hungarian troops’ international recognition, while the world-class, new, long-range tactical military transport helicopter proves the results of the development of the Hungarian armed forces.

“The dedicated service of our troops will soon be assisted by a new Airbus H225M representing 21st century technology here, in Bosnia and Herzegovina” – added Zsolt Kutnyánszky.

The new helicopter has already demonstrated its capabilities while containing wildfires in North Macedonia, and from now on it will be performing its mission-related tasks in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will be placed on standby at the Sarajevo military base within two months.


Addressing the Hungarian troops in Camp Butmir, Zsolt Kutnyánszky said that special attention is being paid to their place of service, the Western Balkans that is determinant for the peace of Europe, and that they are giving an exemplary professional performance as soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces that are contributing one of the largest contingents in EUFOR.

He emphasized that the priorities of the six-month Hungarian EU presidency include the strengthening of defence policy, the acceleration of the integration of the Western Balkans region, as well as the containment of illegal migration, which also affects the region due to the routes of illegal migration going across the Western Balkans.

Major General Dr. László Sticz said that the security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina is basically calm, the character of the emerging challenges is more political than security-related. The Hungarian commander of EUFOR emphasized that the local authorities are tasked with maintaining a safe and secure environment (SASE), and the international mission assists them in this task if needed.

Press release of the Ministry of Defence

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