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Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky

21:15 May 24, 2022
Földrengés Törökországban KLAC0158

Katalin Novák thanks Hungarian rescue teams helping in Türkiye for their work

16:14 February 10, 2023

On 10 February, President of Hungary Katalin Novák, Commander-in-Chief, Hungarian Defence Forces published a post on her social media page in connection with the Turkish–Syrian earthquake, highlighting the merits of Hungarian rescue teams.

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Hungarian Chief of Defence visits the United States of America

11:29 February 10, 2023

Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Chief of the HDF General Staff recently traveled to the United States for a dayslong official visit, and on this occasion, he paid calls, among others, on the Ohio National Guard and the Permanent Mission of Hungary at the United Nations.

Földrengés Törökországban_nyitó

Earthquake: rescue operations ongoing

14:02 February 9, 2023

Rescue operations are continuously going on with the contribution of the Hungarian Defence Forces in earthquake-stricken areas of Türkiye and Syria. According to latest reports, the Hungarian rescue teams have already been able to save the lives of close to 30 people. Below are exclusive pictures taken by László Kertész, our photographer on the spot.


Military doctors are also helping in Türkiye

13:58 February 9, 2023

So far 16 people owe their lives to the Hungarian rescue teams, and the Hungarian contingent participating in the rescue operation in Türkiye is soon to be expanded, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó wrote on Wednesday, 8 February.


Hunor Hungarian Rescue Team Helps in Türkiye

11:11 February 7, 2023

On Monday, the Hunor Hungarian Rescue Team left Budapest for Türkiye, to help those affected by the earthquake.

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Meeting of EU Defence Policy Directors in Stockholm

10:49 February 6, 2023

The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union organized an informal meeting of defence policy directors on 31 January – 1 February in Stockholm. Hungary was represented at the event by Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy László Hajnik.


A strong bastion is being built

10:40 February 6, 2023

The planning team of the Hungarian Defence Forces has supported preparations for the summer validation exercise of the Székesfehérvár-based Headquarters Multinational Division Centre (HQ MND-C) over the last few weeks.

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Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: It is important to have sincere and open dialogue with our neighbors

16:28 February 3, 2023

“It is important that neighboring countries engage in close, direct, sincere and open dialogue with each other beyond the international organizations as well” – stated the Minister of Defence after holding a discussion with his Slovenian counterpart in Budapest on Friday, 3 February.


Viktor Orbán: defence industry developments must be continued

10:31 February 3, 2023

On Thursday, 2 February Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received Armin Papperger, the CEO of the German Rheinmetall AG defence and automotive technology group in the Carmelite Monastery, Budapest, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s Press Chief told to Hungarian News Agency MTI.


Sniper cross-training in Kosovo

13:17 January 31, 2023

Two sniper squads of the KFOR-27 HUNCON participated in a joint cross-training event with the American forces of Regional Command East (RC-E) Bravo Company.