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A Hungarian non-commissioned officer serving in the KFOR mission showed great bravery

Text: OR-8 Krisztina Végh | Photo: KFOR |  09:28 September 10, 2024

For his courageous performance, Sergeant Csanád Bendegúz Erős was recognized by Major General Özkan Ulutaş, the commander of the NATO-led Kosovo peacekeeping forces (KFOR) and Lieutenant Colonel Dávid Szent-Imrey, the commander of the MH KFOR-30 contingent, on September 7.

Erős Csanád Bendegúz őrmester

On July 27, while performing his duties for the NATO-led KFOR mission, near the town of Gjilan/Gnjilane, in Kosovo, the sergeant didn’t hesitate upon seeing a burning vehicle but immediately began to extinguish the fire, successfully preventing any personal injuries.

For his brave and calm actions Sergeant Csanád Bendegúz Erős earned the title of 'KFOR Non-Commissioned Officer of the Month for August.

This incident highlights the crucial role Hungarian soldiers play not only in peacekeeping but also in swiftly resolving unexpected situations.

KFOR continues to implement its mandate - based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 - to contribute to a safe and secure environment for all people and communities living in Kosovo and freedom of movement, at all times and impartially.

KFOR is the third security responder, after the Kosovo Police and the EU Rule of Law (EULEX) mission, respectively, with whom we work in close coordination.

Erős Csanád Bendegúz őrmester_KFOR_elismerés