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Chief of Defence Staff on a mission tour

Text: Major Enikő Földházi, Ensign Krisztina Végh | Photo: Veronika Dévényi, Ensign Krisztina Végh |  17:56 August 21, 2024

General Gábor Böröndi, Chief of Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Brigadier General Balázs Szloszjár, Commander of the Joint Operations Planning and Control Center of the Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces, and Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Defence Forces ensign Zoltán Kaszab paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo in the past few days.

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The Defence Staff delegation arrived in Sarajevo on board of an Airbus H145M helicopter of the Hungarian Defence Forces, where they were received by Major General László Sticz, Commander of the EUFOR Althea operation. The members of the delegation were briefed on the current security situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the excellent cooperation of EUFOR with the local military and law enforcement agencies, as well as with political and diplomatic leaders.

Major General Sticz, the first Hungarian commander of EUFOR, explained the challenges and tasks of the coming period, including the local municipality elections due in early October, the Quick Response exercise that will begin soon, and the tasks related to the twentieth anniversary of the mission's existence.

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In line with the year of the Hungarian command, the Hungarian Defence Forces participate in the EU mission in the Western Balkans with an increased number of personnel, and in the Quick Response exercise, a manoeuvre company of the domestic standby forces and the KFOR Combat Force stationed in Kosovo, one company of Hungarian soldiers of the Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN) also takes part in addition to the Hungarian contingent stationed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As one of the important elements of the visit, the Chief of Defence Staff held a tasking staff meeting for the soldiers serving at the EUFOR and NATO command in Sarajevo, in which he emphasized that the year of the Hungarian command of EUFOR is a huge opportunity and responsibility at the same time, success depends on its participants, the Hungarian soldiers and civilians serving in EUFOR.


The delegation continued its mission tour in Kosovo. General Gábor Böröndi first met with Major General Özkan Ulutaş, Commander of KFOR, in Camp Film City. The KFOR Commander praised the activities of HDF KFOR and expressed his appreciation for Hungary's contribution to KFOR's efforts and the stability of the region. Afterwards, the head of the Honvéd General Staff held a tasking staff meeting for the soldiers of the Hungarian contingent serving in Camp Novo Selo.

At the staff meetings, the soldiers serving in the mission were provided with detailed information about the changes related to the new legislative environment as well.