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Major Enikő Földházi

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Peace, Stability, Blood Donation

13:44 November 26, 2024

Blood donation was recently organized at Camp Butmir, Sarajevo. Altogether 100 soldiers and civilians participated in the event, including a large number of Hungarians.


Military Engineers Return Home from Bosnia and Herzegovina

14:31 November 5, 2024

The Hungarian military engineer team offered to the Western Balkans country to help with the elimination of the damages caused by the flood and the landslides in the area recently finished its work. Hungary – besides other offers – provided military engineering support to Bosnia and Herzegovina via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

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Commemoration of 1956 in EUFOR

11:15 October 28, 2024

The Hungarian personnel of EUFOR recently commemorated the events of the 1956 Revolution and War of Independence with a series of programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Restoration After Flood

15:19 October 21, 2024

The military machinery offered by Hungary to Bosnia and Herzegovina arrived at Camp Butmir, which hosts the EUFOR Operation Althea, on the evening of 17 October. In the following period, the Hungarian military engineers – meeting the demand of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian authorities and coordinated by the EUFOR – participated in the elimination of damages caused by the flood and landslides.


Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of EUFOR receive Hungarian military medal of merit

16:41 October 10, 2024

In recognition of their contribution, dedication and loyalty to the successful implementation of the Hungarian Command Year of EUFOR, Commander of EUFOR Major General László Sticz ceremonially presented the “Honours for the Partnership” to Brigadier General Lorenzo Dal Maso, Deputy Commander of EUFOR and Brigadier General Herbert Sailer, Chief of Staff of EUFOR.

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EUFOR Reserve Company Activated

09:16 August 26, 2024

On 24 August, a company of Hungarian troops, an Over-the-Horizon Reserve Force of EUFOR arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to join Exercise Quick Response 2024, the largest-scale training event of the European Union Force (EUFOR) Operation Althea. Force Commander (COMEUFOR) Major General László Sticz PhD received the company led by First Lieutenant Zoltán Ocsák at the Croatia–BiH border.

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Hungarian Air Force Day in the Balkans

18:03 August 21, 2024

The Day of the Hungarian Air Force was celebrated in Sarajevo with the participation of the EUFOR Helicopter Unit and air force troops.

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Chief of Defence Staff on a mission tour

17:56 August 21, 2024

General Gábor Böröndi, Chief of Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Brigadier General Balázs Szloszjár, Commander of the Joint Operations Planning and Control Center of the Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces, and Command Sergeant Major of the Hungarian Defence Forces ensign Zoltán Kaszab paid a visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo in the past few days.

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Hungarian military doctor is the face of EUFOR

13:09 July 24, 2024

In the first days of July, EUFOR Operation Althea launched its latest media campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina aimed at informing the citizens of the Balkan country about the peacekeeping mission, and also at bringing its service personnel closer to the local population. The face of the campaign is Lieutenant (MD) Dr. Anna Tóth, a doctor of the EUFOR Aviation Detachment.

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Cooperation on Land, on Water, in Air

10:48 May 21, 2024

At the invitation of the French Armed Forces, Commander of EUFOR Operation Althea Major General László Sticz PhD and Deputy Chief of Defence of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina Major General Mirsad Ahmić recently visited the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, flagship of the French Navy, accompanied by François Delmas, Ambassador of France to Bosnia and Herzegovina.