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Hungarian Air Force Day in the Balkans

Text: Major Enikő Földházi | Photo: Veronika Dévényi |  18:03 August 21, 2024

The Day of the Hungarian Air Force was celebrated in Sarajevo with the participation of the EUFOR Helicopter Unit and air force troops.

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On the momentous day, Major General László Sticz, EUFOR Commander, gave a speech and Lieutenant Colonel Roland Kálinger, Chaplain, gave a blessing at the ceremony at the helicopter hangars of Camp Butmir.

As it is well known, during 2024, one of the key elements of the capability package offered for the Hungarian command year, the HDF 86th Kiss József Helicopter Brigade provides the airlift and air medical evacuation capability of EUFOR Althea, with two Airbus H145Ms and one Mi-17 helicopter, the latter in close cooperation with the MH Medical Centre.

As part of the force development programme, the Mi-17 helicopter is planned to be replaced by an Airbus H225M helicopter in the mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.