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NATO Award for Hungarian Soldiers Serving in Kosovo

Text: Warrant Officer Krisztina Végh | Photo: KFOR |  09:12 August 26, 2024

The commander of the Tactical Reserve Battalion of the NATO-led KFOR mission (KTRBN), Lieutenant Colonel Dávid Szent-Imrey recently presided over a Medal Parade ceremony in Camp Novo Selo to mark the end of the assigned personnel’s tour of duty.

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At the ceremony, Colonel Róbert Kiss, Deputy Chief of Staff Operations of KFOR, Senior National Representative thanked the members of the personnel for their work done with honour and dedication. He stressed that carrying out mission tasks to a high standard is not a routine work, as it is always a testing and challenging period for everyone. As members of the KFOR international force, the soldiers have enhanced the good reputation and recognition of Hungary and the Hungarian Defence Forces, and they can be proud to be members of the Hungarian Defence Forces, who, like their predecessors, serve their country with all their might and perseverance.

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In addition to Colonel Róbert Kiss, the medals were pinned on the soldiers’ uniforms by Lieutenant Colonel Dávid Szent-Imrey, the commander of the contingent, and by Major Lajos Nagy, the deputy commander (support) of the contingent. The Hungarian troops of the KTRBN were honoured with the Non-Article 5 NATO medal, in recognition of their excellent service.

KFOR continues to implement its mandate – based on UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 – to contribute to a safe and secure environment for all people and communities living in Kosovo, and freedom of movement at all times. KFOR acts as the third security responder in the region, in close coordination with the Kosovo Police and the European Union Rule of Law (EULEX) mission, which are the first and second security responders, respectively.