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EUFOR Reserve Company Activated

Text: Major Enikő Földházi | Photo: First Lieutenant Barna Koncsek, Veronika Dévényi, EUFOR HQ PAO |  09:16 August 26, 2024

On 24 August, a company of Hungarian troops, an Over-the-Horizon Reserve Force of EUFOR arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to join Exercise Quick Response 2024, the largest-scale training event of the European Union Force (EUFOR) Operation Althea. Force Commander (COMEUFOR) Major General László Sticz PhD received the company led by First Lieutenant Zoltán Ocsák at the Croatia–BiH border.

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Major General László Sticz PhD delivered a short welcome speech to the Hungarian company, and informed its members that since 2012, EUFOR has annually organized Exercise Quick Response, which involves all elements and subunits of the mission.

This year’s Exercise Quick Response is being conducted between 24 August and 16 September by EUFOR’s in-theatre forces, which are being augmented with Hungarian, Austrian and Romanian reserve forces for the duration of the exercise. The COMEUFOR pointed out that the reserve company is an integral part of EUFOR until its redeployment to Hungary, and said that he expects everyone to perform their duties to high professional standards, with commitment and impartiality.

The objective of Exercise Quick Response 2024 is to demonstrate that on the basis of its mandate, the European Union’s largest-scale military operation is ready and able to support the local authorities in their efforts to maintain a Safe and Secure Environment (SASE).