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Day of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Kosovo

Text: Warrant Officer Krisztina Végh | Photo: by the author |  12:37 May 27, 2024

The KFOR-30 HUNCON celebrated the Day of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Camp Novo Selo, Kosovo on Friday, 24 May.

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Deputy Head of Mission Dr. Miklós Varga, ad interim Chargé d’Affaires at Hungary’s Embassy in Pristina as well as Colonel Dr. Norbert Mohácsi, Commander, Camp Novo Selo also honored the ceremony with their presence. Following a ceremonial address, Contingent Commander Lieutenant Colonel Dávid Szent-Imrey presented appreciations to the soldiers of the contingent.

In what followed, First Lieutenant Tibor Mikus, military chaplain said a prayer, in which he pointed out how important it is that all humans, families, nations can live in peace with the dignity due to them. Humankind has been veering from fulfilling God’s will throughout its history and continues to do so even today. The lust for power and the dissatisfaction are threatening and harming the dignity, freedom, living space and peace of humans, families and nations. It is necessary that in mankind’s present state of mind, the nations have their defence forces, and our great predecessors had also realized this fact when, by concentrating the armed forces, they organized and established the Hungarian Defence Forces.

The military chaplain said in his prayer that according to their positions, our soldiers must conduct their service wisely and selflessly in the defence of our nation, homeland and families. He asked God to accept the sacrifice of the lives of those who sacrificed their freedom for our homeland as heroes in the history of our nation.