Deterrence and defence
NATO Military Committee Conference
Text: HDF General Staff | Photo: |  15:11 September 18, 2023Between 15–17 September, Norway hosted the autumn session of the Military Committee, NATO’s highest-level military organization. At the conference held in Oslo, the Hungarian delegation was headed by General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of General Staff, Hungarian Defence Forces.

This year, the annual NATO Military Committee Conference – held in Oslo at the invitation of Norwegian Chief of Defence General Eirik Kristoffersen – focused on further strengthening the deterrence and defence posture of the Alliance. At the Vilnius Summit in July 2023, the heads of state and government took significant steps toward strengthening NATO’s defence and deterrence in the long term, in all areas and against all threats and challenges.
The keys to this are the geographically specified Regional Plans, which are aimed at providing deterrence and defence against the threats described in the Strategic Concept and NATO’s Military Strategy. The NATO and Invitee Chiefs of Defence gathered in Norway to discuss the implementation of the decisions taken at the Vilnius Summit, by focusing on the full executability of the plans.

Besides reviewing comprehensive strategic issues, on the margins of the conference, General Dr. Gábor Böröndi conducted professional discussions with Admiral Rob Bauer, Chair of the NATO Military Committee, as well as with General Philippe Lavigne, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation. Furthermore, in the framework of bilateral coordination, the Hungarian and Turkish chiefs of defence primarily discussed the possible forms of cooperation involving the Hungary-based enhanced Vigilance Activity Battle Group (eVA BG HUN).
The Hungarian delegation was headed by General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of the HDF Defence Staff, and its members included Military Representative for Hungary Major General Tamás Sándor and his team of experts.

Composed of Chiefs of Defence of the member countries, the Military Committee is the Senior Military Authority in NATO and the oldest permanent body in NATO after the North Atlantic Council for the discussion of key strategic issues. As such, it is an essential link between the political decision-making process and the military structure of NATO. The Military Committee meets three times a year at the level of Chiefs of Defence: two meetings are held in Brussels and the third one in a member country.