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Hungarian Aspects of Defence Policy

High-level Serbian Delegation’s Visit to Hungary

Text: Ministry of Defence | Photo: Warrant Officer Lajos Szabó |  15:50 June 11, 2024

After visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Italy and the United Kingdom, students of the Advanced Security and Defense Studies program at the Serbian University of Defence also spent three days in Hungary between 3 and 6 June to learn about the Hungarian aspects of defence policy and different defence fields by gaining personal impressions, as current and future top leaders.

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The delegation was received by Deputy Minister Tamás Vargha, MoD Parliamentary State Secretary, László Hajnik, MoD Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Lieutenant General Ferenc Kajári, Deputy Chief of HDF General Staff.

During the professional programs, the students heard lectures at the Ministry of Defence, the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs and the Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training of the Ludovika University of Public Service. In the ministry, they were informed about the defence policy of Hungary, the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) of the EU, the Hungarian defence innovation and industry, as well as about the Serbian–Hungarian military-to-military relations.

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The military-to-military relations between Serbia and Hungary are characterized by outstandingly high quality even in an international context, based on mutuality and the intention of cooperation. Therefore, the success of these visits serve the interest of both parties.

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