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Hungarian Brigadier General gets elected as deputy chairman of board of directors of NATO’s DIANA Network

Text: Ministry of Defence |  10:13 December 13, 2022

The Board of Directors of the NATO Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) network held a meeting on 12 December 2022, where the Hungarian candidate, Brigadier General Dr. Imre Porkoláb, MoD Ministerial Commissioner for Innovation was elected deputy chairman of the Board of Directors.

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The network has been established on the basis of a decision taken at NATO’s Brussels Summit in June 2021. Its mission is to provide a link between the member states’ national innovation ecosystems and provide a framework for cooperation among startups, small enterprises and universities. The deputy chairman of the board of directors will work together with NATO’s top leaders, the managing director of DIANA and the chairman of the DIANA Board of Directors on identifying the challenges and planning the strategic directions of defence innovation.

The appointment of Brigadier General Dr. Imre Porkoláb is an important step for the Hungarian armed forces and defence industry, since, as a ministerial commissioner responsible for the control of the field, in his person one of the most competent experts on the concept of modern, 21st century armed forces and an advocate of Hungarian innovation will occupy a leading position in the largest international defence alliance.

(Press release by the Ministry of Defence)