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Hungarian soldiers, German decoration

Helping those in trouble is evident for Hungarian soldiers

Text: Márton Mészáros Navarrai | Photo: Ákos Pintér |  15:53 May 27, 2024

Staff Sergeant Zsolt Roland Sándor and Colonel (Ret.) János Csombók received German state decorations at Germany’s embassy in Budapest for the service they provided during the 2021 flooding. According to Germany’s ambassador to Budapest Julia Gross, who presented them with the recognitions, the Hungarian–German military cooperation shows the way forward.


“I’m convinced that we all still remember those horrific footages that were taken in the valley of River Ahr in July 2021. It is probable that Germany did not experience a natural disaster like this in recent decades” – said Germany’s ambassador to Budapest Julia Gross at a reception where Hungarian soldiers were decorated for their flood control assistance in 2021 (Einsatzmedaille Fluthilfe 2021 – deployment medal for flood control assistance 2021). The head of the diplomatic mission said that three years earlier, more than 250 people – among them 196 in Germany – had lost their lives in the natural disaster affecting 12 European countries. “Besides the fatalities, a lot of families were forced to leave their homes for good, and thousands were left with uninhabitable properties. In these difficult hours, quick assistance, solidarity and friendship are highly significant. In this situation, seven Hungarian soldiers earned outstanding merits” – she added, pointing out that the assistance provided by the Hungarian soldiers stationed in Germany and studying at the Hürth Federal Office of Languages was not self-evident at all.

Julia Gross also recalled that the Hungarian soldiers had offered their assistance voluntarily, and the armed forces of Germany (Bundeswehr) had been happy to receive and coordinate it during the following days. “I have seen the footages taken while you were providing assistance: in your free time – primarily at the weekends – you were carrying away hundreds of kilograms of debris and mud, and cleared fallen trees off the way. And, above all, you gave hope to the survivors of the disaster” – she went on. “By way of thanks, on behalf of the Federal Republic of Germany, in recognition of his outstandingly self-sacrificing assistance with the saving of human lives, protecting against dangers and consequence management efforts in the wake of the flood-related events, I award the “Einsatzmedaille Fluthilfe 2021” medal to Colonel János Csombók” – this is how a certificate – authenticated by German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius and presented to one of the recipients –– reads, dating from 18 March in Bonn, North-West Germany. In answer to our question, Colonel (Ret.) János Csombók told us that the prestigious decoration is the twenty-fourth recognition in his 36-year military career.


“Indeed, this is a prestigious recognition in Germany, which has expressly been founded by the German Ministry of Defence for participants dealing with the disaster situation in the wake of the 2021 flooding. The minister is entitled to award it primarily to those firefighters, paramedics, soldiers and civilians who tried to help the tens of thousands of people in trouble as part of a huge effort to join forces” – he added. János Csombók told us that at the time of the disaster, he had been head of the Military Liaison Office of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Bonn, Germany, and on 14 July – the day when several rivers had burst their banks at numerous settlements in Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany due to the record precipitation amounts in Western Europe – he had been on vacation with his family. “I interrupted my vacation because I thought that I had to help at the disaster site. As a Hungarian soldier, I feel an inner urge to help those in trouble; moreover, as an inhabitant of the Bonn area, I, too, was part of the community that suffered the terrible destruction” – he went on saying.

The ex-soldier recruited a small team out of the Hungarian soldiers working with him and taking a German language course at the Hürth Federal Office of Languages. He and the members of this team were providing assistance with the flood relief operations at Odendorf throughout a full weekend. “Although it was difficult to see the immense destruction caused by the huge force of the water attacking the settlement, I am happy to remember how glad the victims of the disaster were to receive our assistance” – added the retired colonel.


“We gave significant assistance in several areas: we participated in debris removal, and besides shoveling mud, we also took part in salvaging cars and the residents’ personal belongings. Together with the local forces, we were doing all we can to provide the most comprehensive assistance possible” – this is what Staff Sergeant Zsolt Roland Sándor told us. According to the soldier, the German population was moved by seeing how uniformed men serving in the army of another country offered their assistance without hesitation. In Staff Sergeant Sándor’s opinion, it would be no use trying to get over the disaster and forget the things they went through. “When you are on the site, meaning that you are facing the scale of destruction not only from the news and photos, the way you see the dramatic events makes a huge difference: the desperate people who have lost their loved ones, in the worst case, or perhaps everything they worked for in their lives, for example their homes or movable properties. You will never be able to forget that” – he noted.

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Passbach, Germany’s defence attaché to Budapest also attended the presentation ceremony of the medals founded in 2022.