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The miracle goes on

Text: Fanny Faragó | Photo: by the author |  15:44 May 27, 2024

The 64th International Military Pilgrimage officially began in the underground Basilica of St. Pius X, Lourdes, in the evening of Friday, 24 May. Since the opening ceremony, the members of the Hungarian delegation – among them, MoD State Secretary for the Control of Military National Security Zsolt Barthel-Rúzsa and General Gábor Böröndi PhD, Chief of the HDF General Staff – have walked down the Way of the Cross in Lourdes and attended a Hungarian-language Holy Mass and the concert of a military band.

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Measuring 201 m long by 81 m wide, the oval nave of the basilica housed the opening ceremony of the International Military Pilgrimage, which the Head of the Catholic Church joined in his thoughts and prayer. Pope Francis sent a letter of greetings to all soldiers around the world, in which he wrote: “We need peacekeepers who are ready to work out the ways of healing and finding each other intelligently and bravely”. In what followed, the participants lit the candle of the event, and the representatives of different nations symbolized the peace they serve day after day by laying a single white rose.

On the second day of the program, according to traditions, the Hungarian pilgrims walked down the 2000-meter-long Way of the Cross. The altogether 115 two-meter-tall statues depict the fourteen stations of the Way of the Cross, and the pilgrims listened to contemplative prayers at each of them. They carried the cross in turns, while the Hungarian flag was being escorted by soldiers of the 32nd Bodyguard Regiment of the HDF vitéz Szurmay Sándor Budapest Garrison Brigade. On reaching the tenth station – made from Hungary’s donation in 1912 – the pilgrims lit candles to pay tribute to the memory of their dead comrades.

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Speaking at the Hungarian-language Holy Mass held in the Notre-Dame Chapel, Catholic Military Bishop Brigadier General Tibor Berta asked the pilgrims to pray together for their comrades. “Insofar as we want to get closer to God together, if we want to serve with the Hungarian Defence Forces in a way that truly benefits Hungary, our nation, then we have to think together. We have to weave a canvas together that provides safety” – he said. Following the Holy Mass, Zsolt Barthel-Rúzsa addressed the gathering.

“We are here because we are seeking something. We are seeking the peace that we all need. The peace that gives us strength, that takes us further in our everyday life, that one can transfer as a soldier. Your primary mission is to build peace, and your inherent strength is indispensable for that. To achieve this, our country needs a strong army, and that’s why we are developing, building and strengthening the Hungarian Defence Forces” – emphasized the MoD State Secretary for the Control of Military National Security. In the afternoon, the military bands accompanying the pilgrims of participating countries gave concerts on the streets of the town. At this year’s event, the members of the Budapest Garrison Band entertained the interested ones gathered around the podium with a spectacular concert moving people to dance.