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Hungarians want peace, soldiers are needed to protect the homeland

Text: honvedelem.hu / MTI | Photo: Tünde Rácz, Gábor Kormány |  17:42 August 21, 2024

On the national day of the establishment of the Hungarian state, and the day of Hungary’s state-founding king, Saint István, the military officer cadets took their commissioned officer oath in front of the Houses of Parliament. On Kossuth Square, Minister of National Defence Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky said that the long line of previous generations could never enjoy complete peace, and there has never been a period of time when trained soldiers were not needed.

2024.08.20. Tisztavatás+Parádé KG (21)

Even today, there are forces that hope for profit and power from war, while Hungarians want peace, so "our generation" also gets its share from the defence of the homeland, he emphasized.

No country and no nation can neglect this obligation, it is the most important to itself, since any state and nation can only exist if it protects its borders, citizens, faith, language and culture, the minister stated.

He emphasised that "we are an ancient military nation in our own Hungarian way, we are ready and capable of self-defence, protecting our integrity, securing our borders, renewing ourselves, and serving in a modern army." Mr Szalay-Bobrovniczky spoke about the day-by-day strengthening of Hungary's defence capability since 2010, the necessity of reconstructing the entire system of national defence, and finding frameworks that, in line with the country's possibilities, are best suited to the conditions of our time to protect the homeland.

2024.08.20. Tisztavatás+Parádé KG (17)

"While we closely cooperate with our NATO allies and fulfil the tasks of common defence, we must also prepare to prevent threats in times of war," he said, noting that NATO is an important alliance, but at the same time Hungary must protect its national interests, even within the alliance.

The Hungarian Armed Forces constantly strengthens because peace requires power: everything is renewed around the Hungarian soldier – from personal equipment to modern weapons to infrastructural conditions, and a firm and dignified career is provided to those who serve the nation. The foundations of a significant military industry have been laid, and patriotism and national defence are being made a "national case" again, which is as much a duty as it is a right and an opportunity – the minister listed the innovations.

2024.08.20. Tisztavatás+Parádé KG (9)

General Gábor Böröndi, Chief of Defence Staff, emphasized at the ceremony that although often "no importance is attached" to the concept of patriotism, pride, or dedication, they are the cornerstones of military profession.

He said that the army officers who are about to be commissioned now take an oath to defend the homeland, and are ready to fight for it. The General called it of utmost importance that the army officers strive for continuous development and set an example.

In addition to praising the performance of the Hungarian soldiers, he also requested the military officers to encourage young people to join the army and to use the opportunities offered.

In the current situation, well-prepared officers are needed more than ever before – he emphasized, adding that the one and only objective of the Hungarian Defence Forces is to guarantee the security of the Hungarian people, and this is the purpose the defence-related developments serve.

2024.08.20. Tisztavatás+Parádé KG (30)

In addition to the President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Hungarian Armed Forces Tamás Sulyok, Speaker of the National Assembly László Kövér, members of the government, as well as state and military organizations, representatives of the diplomatic corps, and hundreds of interested people took part at the ceremony.

The central band of the Hungarian Armed Forces and the National Cavalry Parade Unit participated in the event, while the Air Force's Gripens concluded a ceremonial flypast.

After the ceremony, the Hungarian Defence Forces held an air show over the Danube section in front of the Houses of Parliament.