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Tünde Rácz

2024.07.15.ket uj h225 helikopter erkezik szolnokra .rt. (2)

More Airbus Helicopters Delivered to the HDF

10:21 July 17, 2024

Two more Airbus H225M medium, multi-role helicopters arrived in Hungary on Monday, said the defence minister. Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky also said that with the now-arriving aircraft, the number of H225M helicopters in the Hungarian Defence Forces grew to ten. The ministry had ordered altogether 16 medium-lift transport helicopters from Airbus Helicopters within the framework of the military development program.

medevac eufor szarajevo.rt (4)

EUFOR: Coordinated Hungarian Rescue Team

14:50 June 11, 2024

Several work fields must be coordinated so that the MEDEVAC capabilities, provided by Hungarian soldiers, in EUFOR Operation Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina can work properly as a perfect machine. Besides the air crew members and the MEDEVAC team, air traffic controllers and members of the engineering support personnel also take the lion’s share in efficient rescue operations.

dr. sticz laszlo vezerornagy, az eufor parancsnoka.rt  (nyitó)

“I Represent 23 Nations”

16:01 June 7, 2024

Major General László Sticz PhD has been the Commander of the EU’s peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EUFOR Operation Althea for nearly six months. We asked him about the first half of his one-year assignment.

2024.05.29.bekefenntartok napja (nyitó)

The Achievements of our Troops are Internationally Recognised

13:30 May 30, 2024

“It is no exaggeration to say that the crown of a military career is serving in foreign missions, where everybody goes with the most state-of-the-art equipment currently in service with the Hungarian Defence Forces, following the highest-level pre-deployment training” – said Major General Zoltán Schmidt, Deputy Chief of HDF General Staff for Economic Affairs in Pákozd on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers on 29 May.

2024.05.09.rt.brwr24 gyakorlat (16)

The Bravest Warriors

15:24 May 14, 2024

“Large-scale military exercises like the present one are all about achieving the full spectrum of deployment capacities during training”, said Major István Böjti in his brief summary of the ambitious objectives of Exercise Brave Warrior 2024-I. What exactly are these capacities mentioned by the deputy commander of the Hungarian battle group component of the NATO Forward Land Forces Battle Group (NATO FLF BG)? Between 6-16 May, representatives of the participating nations are practicing CBRN and screening operations, reconnaissance, live firing and logistic tasks in the Bakony Hills.

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It is our Duty to Commemorate our Heroic Soldiers with Respect

14:12 January 15, 2024

The battles fought at the Don Bend proved once again that man is the most important factor on the battlefield – said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the commemoration of the victims of the Battle at the Don Bend held in plot 52 of the Fiume Street Cemetery, Budapest on 12 January.


Expanding rotary-wing fleet

14:00 December 7, 2023

On Monday, 4 December another two Airbus H225M helicopters arrived at the Szolnok airbase of the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing. During the development of the armed forces, the Hungarian Defence Forces are going to receive a total of 16 such helicopters.


Multinational Exercise Adaptive Hussars 23 ends with success

10:01 November 24, 2023

The international Exercise Adaptive Hussars 23 – the largest-scale and most complex one in the last 30 years involving close to 6000 personnel and 47 military organizations – has ended in Hungary. The Hungarian Defence Forces and the civil defence administration have passed the test with flying colors in the framework of this exercise, emphasized Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky.

MG Sticz 01

Credibility, impartiality, integrity

15:51 November 20, 2023

Hungary will safeguard and further strengthen the peace of the Balkans through a two-star general as the incoming commander of the European Union’s mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Critical Infrastructure Protection with military aid

09:47 November 16, 2023

There can be no national cyber security strategy without military cyber security strategy – this was stated at the 5th International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection (ICCECIP) in Budapest. On 13 and 14 November, scientific professionals from ten countries were discussing current issues in their field of specialization during the event co-organized by the Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering and the Hungarian Defence Forces Cyber Operations Command (HDF COC).