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The Hungarian Defence Forces are prepared for flood response

Text: Ministry of Defence | Photo: Tünde Rácz, Gábor Kormány |  13:07 September 16, 2024

The Hungarian Defence Forces are ready to provide assistance with managing a flood emergency if needed – said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky.

202409_Szalay-Bobrovniczky Kristóf

According to meteorological forecast, a very large amount of precipitation – rainfall of 50-220 mm – is to be expected in Hungary, Austria, Czechia and Slovakia, which will cause a rapid and significant increase in water level on the rivers Danube, Mur, Leitha and Rába, so the high water marks may even exceed the third-grade alert level in a couple days.

The defence minister said that he teams participating in flood relief tasks had been activated on Friday morning. The designated liaison officers of HDF organizations have contacted the County Defence Committees so that the soldiers can serve the support needs of staffs in charge of the response efforts as quickly as possible – he added.

The minister pointed out that the personnel nominated for performing flood relief tasks have already been rehearsing for them since Friday morning. “The objective is to check the preparedness, manning level, equipment and means of transport of the forces involved in the military disaster management system” – said Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky.


General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of HDF General Staff has designated the base barracks, thus preparations will be made in three towns, namely Győr, Tata and Szentendre for receiving and accommodating the soldiers and military equipment participating in flood defence tasks. As he said, two H225M helicopters are also available for airlift and other operations.

The general emphasized that based on the disaster management plans, the Hungarian Defence Forces are capable of quickly and efficiently supporting the flood relief tasks by providing personnel and equipment, in cooperation with the county defence committees and the flood management experts. The available resources as well as the land equipment and the air assets ensure the defence of the population – added the Chief of the HDF General Staff.

Press release of the Ministry of Defence