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Hungary leads the way in generating SOF aviation capabilities

Text: Márton Mészáros Navarrai | Photo: Judith Füzes |  16:42 October 11, 2024

The multinational Special Operations Air Task Group (SOATG) recently conducted a large-scale, comprehensive exercise with international participation at the Hévíz-Balaton Airport, Sármellék, Zala County, Hungary. Colonel Péter Simon, Acting Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces Joint Special Operations Command (HDF JSOC) and Colonel Ferenc Könczöl, Acting Commander, Hungarian Air Force made an on-site inspection of the combined training event conducted with foreign partners.

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What can account for the presence of special operations forces at a civilian airport? The answer is reassuring: they are on exercise. The primary objective of their exercise is to assess the status of the operational capability belonging to the Hungarian-led Regional Special Operations Component Command (R-SOCC) on the basis of the relevant doctrines laid out in NATO SOCC Manual.

“We almost always conduct these operations – above all, those of special operations forces – under field conditions rather than in the vicinity of barracks, so it is very important that we can practice deployment on a non-military infrastructure. On these occasions, by placing under our command the helicopter team providing our air mobility, the Special Operations Air Task Group (SOATG), we execute the complex tasks characteristic of SOF units collectively, on a joint force level” – said Colonel Péter Simon, the acting commander of the HDF JSOC while sharing with us the details of the training event on the spot. He told us that the pilots of the recently delivered high-tech helicopters of the Hungarian Defence Forces are trained by the high standards of special operations forces.

“I can safely say that we have received the best HDF helicopter pilots from the Hungarian Air Force. These boys and girls are specially equipped, trained and, first of all, they all have a very high level of motivation” – he added.

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The exercise and the ensuing after action review were carried out as part of the multinational Exercise Brave Warrior 24-EU on several locations, with the participation of more than 350 specially trained personnel. It involved a number of headquarters/commands and military units of the Hungarian Defence Forces, among them the HDF 1st Special Operations Group, the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing and the HDF 2nd ISR Regiment, while the SOATGs of the Bulgarian Air Force and Special Operations Task Groups of the Bulgarian military, as well as representatives of the Slovak Air Force and visitors from the Multinational Special Aviation Programme Training Centre (MSAP TC) were also present. “The cooperation among different SOATGs on joint exercises like this is not without challenges, but very useful” – said Brigadier General Dr. Tamás Bali, Commander, HDF 86th Helicopter Wing.

The commander pointed out that the Hungarians are leading the way in the generation of SOF aviation capabilities, and the preparation of the Hungarian aircrews is hands down better than that of air operations pilots in the region of Central Eastern Europe. As he underlined, “We can accomplish anything that we must accomplish based on our task system.” “The most important thing is that the rotary-wing branch of service can efficiently work under field conditions, but several components must be checked in order to ensure this capability” – added the wing commander, who said that the personnel involved in the exercise had carried out complex tasks requiring cooperation on a joint force level across the whole spectrum of special operations. For this reason, several capabilities known at NATO level were supporting the individual phases of the exercise. “We can very precisely identify the range of our capabilities and our shortfalls, but we can operate anytime under field circumstances” – he stated.

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The HDF 5th “Bauer Gyula” Territorial Defence Regiment was represented on the exercise with some 50 reservists. Reserve Lieutenant Colonel András Árvai, Commander, Special Operations Task Group, Force Protection (FP) Subunit, HDF 5th “Bauer Gyula” Territorial Defence Regiment told us that the reservists form a very young and enthusiastic team. They performed FP duties for the forces stationed on the base, and besides their on-base FP duties, they did their part in securing the helicopters as well. “These reservists are very motivated, and their training level is exemplarily good. They have stood their ground in adverse cold and rainy weather, while they sleep in sleeping bags inside military tents, which is another factor that does not raise their comfort level” – said the commander.

He added that the commander of the multinational SOATG has assured the reservists of his support and deemed their cooperation with the SOF units useful. “The reservists like these tasks very much, and the applicants outnumbered those whom we’ve been able to take with us on this exercise. This capability inspection also attests to the fact that more and more people would like to join active military life” – he said in conclusion.

Fruitful Bulgarian-Hungarian relations

There is ongoing regional cooperation between the air forces of Hungary and Bulgaria, and the Bulgarian aircrews participated in the capability inspection of the multinational SOATG within its framework. This has not been the first time that Bulgarian Colonel Peyo Donchev, the deputy commander of the Bulgarian Air Force works together with the airmen of the Hungarian Air Force, with whom he conducted exercises earlier on locations in Croatia and Szolnok as well.

“We are not only accompanied by the pilots of the Bulgarian Air Force, but also by the medical team of the Military Medical Academy and operators from the Joint Special Operations Command. Various types of aircraft are participating in the exercise: we have arrived aboard our pride, a C-27J Spartan” – he said. As he told us, the combined exercise provides the participants with an opportunity to mutually know the professional lessons learned by the other military, and for building trust and interoperability on a wide scale.