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Judith Füzes


American–Hungarian cooperation

12:21 May 30, 2024

“The exchange of lessons learned and joint exercising are important, but the biggest target that we started out with is enhancing the partnerships, relationships and friendships” between Hungary and the USA – said Brigadier General Matthew S. Woodruff after seeing the 28 May closing exercise of Valiant Panther 2024. The reservists of the Ohio National Guard and those of the hosting Transdanubian territorial defence regiment recently held an exercise in Újdörögd.

Sticz másolat

The Hungarian Defence Forces are capable of leading a NATO operation

14:14 January 8, 2024

The Hungarian Defence Forces have already proved that they are capable of leading an outstanding NATO operation – said Major General László Sticz, PhD, the new commander of the EUFOR Althea mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the M1’s current channel on Wednesday, 3 January.


The objective is peacekeeping

11:03 December 8, 2023

“The maneuver company of the Hungarian Defence Forces will also be participating in the structure of the Multinational Battalion (MNBN) of EUFOR Operation Althea in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2024. Their main objective will be to perform peacekeeping duties ranging from the most fundamental presence patrolling to crowd riot control tasks”, said Major General László Sticz PhD, the preparing first Hungarian commander of the European Union’s largest military mission. While at the Újdörögd training base of the HDF Joint Force Training Centre, the major general inspected one phase of Exercise High Voltage 2023 which closed the force-level pre-deployment training on 6 December.


Live fire exercise for reservists in Táborfalva

12:35 July 25, 2023

Close to 600 Hungarian, Polish and American reservists are participating in Exercise “Moonstar 2023” on the Táborfalva military training area of the HDF Joint Forces Training Centre. The large-scale joint training event was also visited by Lieutenant General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of HDF General Staff and CSM Zoltán Kaszab, Command Sergeant Major, Hungarian Defence Forces.


Everything is in place for achieving Full Operational Capability

15:58 June 30, 2023

The Székesfehérvár-based Headquarters Multinational Division Centre (HQ MND-C) and its support element demonstrated their preparedness on the international Exercise Strong Bastion 2023 in late June. The VIP Day of the large-scale event was held in Varaždin, Croatia on Thursday, 29 June with the attendance of Lieutenant General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of the HDF General Staff, his Croatian counterpart Admiral Robert Hranj and Slovakian Deputy Chief of Defence Major General Peter Babiar.