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Live fire exercise for reservists in Táborfalva

Text: Levente Petróczy | Photo: Judith Füzes |  12:35 July 25, 2023

Close to 600 Hungarian, Polish and American reservists are participating in Exercise “Moonstar 2023” on the Táborfalva military training area of the HDF Joint Forces Training Centre. The large-scale joint training event was also visited by Lieutenant General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of HDF General Staff and CSM Zoltán Kaszab, Command Sergeant Major, Hungarian Defence Forces.


The HDF 6th ‘Sipos Gyula’ Territorial Defence Regiment and the HDF 2nd ‘vitéz Vattay Antal’ Territorial Defence Regiment are conducting a combined reservist training exercise involving a total of 597 volunteer territorial reservists. Besides the Hungarian reservists, the Ohio National Guard and Polish reserve forces also represented themselves with a platoon each.

“Our soldiers carried out a live fire exercise, which basically consisted of tasks executed individually and in binoms”, said Lieutenant Colonel Henrik Csányi, Acting Commander, HDF 6th ‘Sipos Gyula’ Territorial Defence Regiment, who also told us that the demonstration at Táborfalva is the outcome of a two-week academic and hands-on training period.

During the training, the reservists tested their skills in a lot of new situations, since besides a combined target practice with American and Polish subunits, they were also practicing a new form of insertion to the battlefield, when they deployed to the field by a troop transport helicopter instead of on foot. These new elements ensured that the volunteer reservists can achieve a higher level of preparedness, while also gaining international experiences and doing networking thanks to the joint work.


In summing up, Reservist Staff Sergeant Csaba Szalmás told us that “even considering the target practice itself, the exercise was very eventful. I liked it that a good team spirit was soon developed, we got used to each other over time, and were able to perform the tasks better and better. We also weathered the more difficult moments together, in which our commanders also helped us a lot.”

Lieutenant General Böröndi congratulated the personnel on the successful exercise and highlighted that not only the Hungarian Defence Forces but also the Hungarian citizens are proud of the reservist personnel.

“It was good to see the commitment you have shown while participating in such an exercise besides your civilian jobs, and thereby serving the homeland. Once again, we thank you for your performance, we are proud of you all!”, said the Chief of Defence in concluding his speech to the soldiers.