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“Representatives, creators and defenders of Hungary’s prestige”

Text: Eszter Bányász | Photo: Gábor Kormány |  18:03 December 9, 2024

“The Russo-Ukrainian War has had an impact on the whole of Europe, including Hungary. Our goal is to make sure that there is not any other hot spot arising in our environment, so the stability and security of the Western Balkans are in our paramount military and national security interests. For this reason, Hungary deploys significant forces with KFOR and EUFOR alike” – emphasized General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of HDF Defence Staff on 3 December, during his visit to Sarajevo on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the launch of EUFOR Operation Althea, the European Union’s peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and the Chief of Defence started the second morning of their visit with a joint run together with the personnel of the mission. The run was followed by a multinational static and dynamic capability demonstration introducing the units and subunits assigned with the most important activities of the mission.

The Multinational Battalion (MNBN) – which is being led by a Hungarian commander, Lieutenant Colonel László Nagy this year – is currently composed of North Macedonian, Greek, Hungarian, Moldovan, Italian, Austrian, Romanian and Turkish troops. They form the real maneuver subunit of EUFOR, and their tasks include, among others, the force protection of the mission, as well as patrolling in the entire area of the country. In 2024, as part of the capability package offered for the year of Hungarian command, the Hungarian EOD team was augmented with explosive detection dogs (EEDs), and Hungary also contributes the servicemembers of the rotary-wing Aviation Detachment providing transport and medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) capabilities, who carry out this task with a specially prepared, mission-tailored H145M helicopter.

During the display, the contingent demonstrated hostage rescue, as well as a bomb disposal operation conducted with EOD motor vehicle and several capabilities in support of peace operations, such as manning a checkpoint, fighting in built-up areas (FIBUA), crowd and riot control (CRC) and medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) by helicopter.


“Prepared for a worst-case scenario, this demonstration is especially valuable as the question of »What if we needed to intervene immediately?« is very important. We must always be ready for this contingency, since hope is not the soldiers’ profession. Now, this multinational force has demonstrated that the different armed forces are able to seamlessly cooperate with each other, which is very difficult, as they have different radio sets, technical assets and military equipment, and the soldiers’ native tongues are also different. The whole is welded together by, on the one hand, the English language and, on the other hand, the training of the troops based on standard doctrines” – this was how Hungarian Chief of Defence General Dr. Gábor Böröndi assessed what he had seen.

Speaking at a staff meeting closing their visit, the minister of defence emphasized that the safety of Hungarian people starts not on the borders of Hungary but rather beyond them, for example – and, perhaps, currently in the most significant way – in the EUFOR mission. “Hungary has reached a stage where it can be a determinant participant in large-scale international processes that it had observed or undergone before. Your service is one such process, which represents a very important force in a region that is both historically and generally of outstanding significance to Hungary” – said Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in his in his greeting address.


“We have had and will always have interests here. In every sense of the word, this country is too close to us not to be well-informed, prepared and active in creating its security and peace. The EUFOR Operation Althea is the token of these efforts, and your service in person and in these units is very valuable. Here and now, you are representing Hungary’s strength, you are the representatives, creators and defenders of the international influence and prestige of our homeland” – emphasized the minister of defence. General Dr. Gábor Böröndi started his speech by recalling his own service in the NATO-led SFOR mission back in 2002.

“There is one big difference – not in the assets but in your looks. I can see that you are proud of yourselves, your equipment and the knowledge you embody. It gives me great pleasure to take a look at our new helicopters and pilots, to see that the MNBN is under Hungarian command, and the greatest honor is to know that this operation has a Hungarian commander. We have come a long way indeed, and we can be proud of it” – said the chief of defence.

“Although we are all striving to achieve peace, it is the soldiers’ obligation to prepare for war, because that is how they guarantee peace. You have an outstanding role and responsibility in this. You are going to arrive home with experiences you could not gain elsewhere, and with a kind of knowledge that is needed at home as well. We are proud of your performance” – said General Dr. Gábor Böröndi in closing his speech.

The staff meeting finished with the distribution of Christmas gift packages.

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