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Trust and Friendship

Text: HDF General Staff | Photo: HDF General Staff |  15:34 September 4, 2024

Central celebrations were recently held in Besztercebánya (Banska Bystrica) to mark the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising. Chief of Defence General Dr. Gábor Böröndi also participated in the celebrations. Hungary was represented by a parade platoon of the HDF “vitéz Szurmay Sándor” Budapest Garrison Brigade’s 32nd Life Guard Regiment at the military parade held as a part of the program, and a Gripen of the HDF 101st Aviation Wing made the event more colourful with a flypast.

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The series of events worthily celebrated the bravery of those Slovakians who had risen and fought against the fascist regime. The events began on Wednesday, 28 August at Besztercebánya, where military history clubs introduced themselves and a convoy of historic vehicles also participated in the parade along the streets of the town with 150 people, who paid tribute to the heroes of the uprising by passing through the historic town centre.

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The central celebrations continued on Thursday at the uprising memorial, with numerous side programs and cultural events. Besides the wreath laying, a military oath-taking ceremony, a military parade and a gala show were also included in the program.

Several people laid wreaths at the uprising memorial on Thursday, including the chief of defence, Hungary’s Ambassador to Slovakia Csaba Balogh and Hungary’s Military Attaché to Slovakia Lieutenant Colonel László Leskó.

“The military cooperation with our northern neighbour, characterized by trust and friendship, is significant at a regional level. It must be seen that we belong to the same area of operations in the NATO Defence Planning Process; against a possible external enemy, Slovakia and Hungary must rely on each other” – said General Gábor Böröndi adding that “the two countries and their armed forces reached a milestone when at the parade, we strengthened our commitment to each other with a military subunit and an aircraft. The Hungarian military engagement had a great effect and made a positive impression on the Slovakian military leadership and population.”