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HDF General Staff - 4. oldal


A strong bastion is being built

10:40 February 6, 2023

The planning team of the Hungarian Defence Forces has supported preparations for the summer validation exercise of the Székesfehérvár-based Headquarters Multinational Division Centre (HQ MND-C) over the last few weeks.

HVKF London 00

Hungarian Chief of Defence gives presentation at International Armoured Vehicles Conference in London

11:48 January 25, 2023

On 24 January, Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Chief of the General Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces gave a presentation at the International Armoured Vehicles (IAVs) Conference, which was held with the participation of more than 60 speakers and more than 40 countries in London. Also in attendance at the event was Brigadier General János Somogyi, Deputy Director of Staff (DOS) Operations of the HDF General Staff.


Hungarian Chief of Defence attends NATO session

14:07 January 20, 2023

On 18–19 January, leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the representatives of Finland and Sweden held a two-day meeting of the NATO Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. The event was attended by Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Chief of the HDF General Staff, who also met the Hungarian soldiers serving in Belgium and gave them recognitions.