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László Kertész - 2. oldal

Ambassador of Egypt KLAC5747 (4)_nyitó

Discussion on the further development of Egyptian–Hungarian relations

09:14 February 23, 2024

On 20 February, in the Ministry of Defence, MoD State Secretary for Defence Policy, Force Development and Defence Industry Dr. Zsolt Kutnyánszky received Mohamed Ibrahim El Shinawy, Egypt’s ambassador accredited to Budapest.


Serving for peace with pride

10:52 January 16, 2024

On Monday, 15 January Major General László Sticz PhD, the first Hungarian leader of EUFOR Operation Althea arrived in the area of operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Speaking about the Hungarian commander’s year, he said that Hungary’s engagement is our pride, and at the same time, a proof that our country takes seriously the security of the Western Balkans.

Leopard 2A7 érkezés KLAC7835

New Big Cats at the Hungarian Defence Forces

09:44 January 11, 2024

“The crown jewellery of the Hungarian armed forces development”, “the spine of deterrence” and “the king of the battlefield” – are examples of references to the state-of-the-art Leopard 2A7HU main battle tank, of which three more arrived at the HDF 1st Armoured Brigade in Tata on 10 January.


COMEUFOR’s preparation on the home stretch

10:20 December 5, 2023

With the Hungarian EUFOR Commander’s year 2024 approaching, the pre-deployment training of the personnel to travel abroad is slowly nearing completion. The same goes for the EUFOR Commander’s position, but besides the traditional tasks such as reporting on the readiness status and the farewell ceremony of the contingent, there are also several high-level meetings on the agenda for the weeks before deployment.


Multinational Exercise Adaptive Hussars 23 ends with success

10:01 November 24, 2023

The international Exercise Adaptive Hussars 23 – the largest-scale and most complex one in the last 30 years involving close to 6000 personnel and 47 military organizations – has ended in Hungary. The Hungarian Defence Forces and the civil defence administration have passed the test with flying colors in the framework of this exercise, emphasized Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky.


The Establishment of the Hungarian Defence Industry is of Strategic Importance

09:51 November 24, 2023

It is of strategic importance to continue to set up and strengthen the Hungarian defence industry; the sector provides another great possibility to the Hungarian economy – emphasized Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the press release following his discussion with the Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacir in Budapest.


Hungary is an important bulwark on NATO’s eastern flank

12:01 November 20, 2023

We are grateful to Hungary for allowing one of the eight multinational NATO Forward Land Force Battle Groups (FLF BG) to deploy in its area – said Lieutenant General Nicola Zanelli, Deputy Commander of NATO’s Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) in an exclusive interview given to defence.hu.

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Türkiye is a vital strategic partner for Hungary

13:07 November 13, 2023

Hungary and Türkiye have the same interests, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at a joint press conference held in the Ministry of Defence with Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Türkiye Yaşar Güler on 9 November.

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Wreaths laid in memory of soldiers fallen on Hungarian soil

10:19 November 3, 2023

“Here lie next to each other Turks, Bulgarians, Poles, Italians, Romanians and Hungarians, among others”, this was said on 2 November in the Budapest New Public Cemetery at a funerary wreath-laying ceremony organized by the MoD Department of Military Heritage on the occasion of All Souls’ Day, in memory of Hungarian and foreign soldiers who had fallen on Hungarian soil.


International concentrated fire on Hajdúhadház shooting range

12:55 October 19, 2023

“Knife-throwing, descending down a cliff by rappelling, water crossing, vehicle push, litter-carry, overcoming a contaminated terrain sector, memory tests and surprise tasks” – this was how Lieutenant Colonel Ákos Kreácsik, Commander, HDF 2nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Regiment listed the events of this year’s Saint Martin International Reconnaissance Competition. The participants are to carry out the above-mentioned tasks during the three-day competition, which involves military units from seven Central European countries, among them two Hungarian ones.