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Marcell Burillák - 2. oldal


New era in the air force

12:54 April 15, 2024

“The capabilities of the KC-390 usher in a new era in the history of the Hungarian air force” – this is how MoD State Secretary for Defence Policy, Force Development and Defence Industry Dr. Zsolt Kutnyánszky received the first military transport aircraft of Embraer. He introduced the new equipment – which, for the time being, has arrived in Hungary only for testing, and will soon be commissioned in the Hungarian Defence Forces together with another aircraft of the same type – in Kecskemét on 12 April.

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Civil-Military Cooperation in the Spotlight

12:01 April 9, 2024

Providing support for crisis management or general military exercises is rarely discussed, yet the role of background work is as significant as that of the spectacular tasks. The Hungarian Defence Forces organize it on a high level: every year our soldiers learn the basics of civil-military cooperation from select NATO experts. This year’s NATO Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Liaison Course is being conducted in Szentendre, Hungary between 8-12 April.

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Elite patrols preparing for Ohio

15:27 February 22, 2024

“Nobody should think it will be easy. At the same time, you are well-trained and young, so any of you can reach the competition level with a little resolve” – this was how Chief Warrant Officer Attila Majzák – Command Sergeant Major, HDF 4th Territorial Defence Regiment – welcomed the participants of the domestic qualification event of the American Best Warrior Competition. The Hungarian delegation will travel to Ohio to outperform last year’s successful participation in late March.


The objective is peacekeeping

11:03 December 8, 2023

“The maneuver company of the Hungarian Defence Forces will also be participating in the structure of the Multinational Battalion (MNBN) of EUFOR Operation Althea in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2024. Their main objective will be to perform peacekeeping duties ranging from the most fundamental presence patrolling to crowd riot control tasks”, said Major General László Sticz PhD, the preparing first Hungarian commander of the European Union’s largest military mission. While at the Újdörögd training base of the HDF Joint Force Training Centre, the major general inspected one phase of Exercise High Voltage 2023 which closed the force-level pre-deployment training on 6 December.

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Wreaths laid in memory of soldiers fallen on Hungarian soil

10:19 November 3, 2023

“Here lie next to each other Turks, Bulgarians, Poles, Italians, Romanians and Hungarians, among others”, this was said on 2 November in the Budapest New Public Cemetery at a funerary wreath-laying ceremony organized by the MoD Department of Military Heritage on the occasion of All Souls’ Day, in memory of Hungarian and foreign soldiers who had fallen on Hungarian soil.


International concentrated fire on Hajdúhadház shooting range

12:55 October 19, 2023

“Knife-throwing, descending down a cliff by rappelling, water crossing, vehicle push, litter-carry, overcoming a contaminated terrain sector, memory tests and surprise tasks” – this was how Lieutenant Colonel Ákos Kreácsik, Commander, HDF 2nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Regiment listed the events of this year’s Saint Martin International Reconnaissance Competition. The participants are to carry out the above-mentioned tasks during the three-day competition, which involves military units from seven Central European countries, among them two Hungarian ones.