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Sergeant First Class Andrea Angyalosi

202502_NEWFIP Ramstein Guard 2025_H145M_AA_0

Flares in the sky

12:42 February 26, 2025

During the NATO Electronic Warfare Force Integration Program’s (NEWFIP) multinational Exercise Ramstein Guard 2025, the aircrew of the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing was practicing the release of infrared flares from a H145M helicopter. This pyrotechnic device can be useful as countermeasure when the aircraft is targeted with guided missiles.

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Challenge accepted!

09:52 February 13, 2025

…this sentence was uttered while Colonel Zsolt Kálóczi, Chief of Staff, HDF 86th Helicopter Wing was introducing the instructors of the NATO Air Command and Control (AirC2) Basic Course to the personnel.

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Bulgarian pilots receive Mi-17 simulator training in Szolnok

11:32 September 12, 2024

The HDF 86th Helicopter Wing is holding a three-week Mi-17 simulator training program for pilots coming from Bulgaria in turns. The aims are to provide skill retention training and to develop the flying skills of Bulgarian helicopter crews as well as to train them in using emergency procedures.


World military parachuting championship to be organized in Szolnok

10:03 July 2, 2024

After 2018, Hungary will host again the 46th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship – announced Colonel Dr. Tamás Bali, Commander, HDF 86th Helicopter Wing at a press conference held on the Szolnok-Szandaszőlős Sports Airfield on Friday, 24 May.

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Preparing for the world championship

11:25 June 4, 2024

Training jumps are already in progress for the 46th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship. The members of the five-strong Hungarian national military parachuting team are participating in training camps. The opening of the world championship to be organized in Hungary will be held in downtown Szolnok on 3 July.


Cross Landing 2023

13:45 October 10, 2023

The airmen of the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing recently participated in a Hungarian–Romanian air search and rescue exercise.