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Dr. Zsolt Kutnyánszky

08:02 January 22, 2024

Hunor Hungarian Rescue Team Helps in Türkiye

11:11 February 7, 2023

On Monday, the Hunor Hungarian Rescue Team left Budapest for Türkiye, to help those affected by the earthquake.

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Meeting of EU Defence Policy Directors in Stockholm

10:49 February 6, 2023

The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union organized an informal meeting of defence policy directors on 31 January – 1 February in Stockholm. Hungary was represented at the event by Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy László Hajnik.


A strong bastion is being built

10:40 February 6, 2023

The planning team of the Hungarian Defence Forces has supported preparations for the summer validation exercise of the Székesfehérvár-based Headquarters Multinational Division Centre (HQ MND-C) over the last few weeks.

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Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: It is important to have sincere and open dialogue with our neighbors

16:28 February 3, 2023

“It is important that neighboring countries engage in close, direct, sincere and open dialogue with each other beyond the international organizations as well” – stated the Minister of Defence after holding a discussion with his Slovenian counterpart in Budapest on Friday, 3 February.


Viktor Orbán: defence industry developments must be continued

10:31 February 3, 2023

On Thursday, 2 February Prime Minister Viktor Orbán received Armin Papperger, the CEO of the German Rheinmetall AG defence and automotive technology group in the Carmelite Monastery, Budapest, Bertalan Havasi, the Prime Minister’s Press Chief told to Hungarian News Agency MTI.


Sniper cross-training in Kosovo

13:17 January 31, 2023

Two sniper squads of the KFOR-27 HUNCON participated in a joint cross-training event with the American forces of Regional Command East (RC-E) Bravo Company.

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Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: the combat readiness of Hungarian armed forces must be the best

13:09 January 31, 2023

It is important that the combat readiness of Hungary’s armed forces be the best at all times – stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in a video uploaded to the Facebook page of the government on Sunday, 29 January.


Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: we are closely cooperating with Austria in all areas

13:04 January 31, 2023

“Hungary and Austria are good neighbors and maintain very close cooperation in almost all areas, including the field of the military and defence”, said the Minister of Defence after holding a discussion with his Austrian counterpart in Budapest on Monday, 30 January.

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Hungarian Chief of Defence gives presentation at International Armoured Vehicles Conference in London

11:48 January 25, 2023

On 24 January, Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Chief of the General Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces gave a presentation at the International Armoured Vehicles (IAVs) Conference, which was held with the participation of more than 60 speakers and more than 40 countries in London. Also in attendance at the event was Brigadier General János Somogyi, Deputy Director of Staff (DOS) Operations of the HDF General Staff.


National defence must be strengthened in all its segments

18:32 January 23, 2023

One important element in Hungary’s armed forces development program is the creation of the combat-worthy, strong armed forces, which conform with NATO’s concept for deterrence and are able to guarantee peace and the citizens’ security, said Brigadier General Dr. Imre Porkoláb, MoD Ministerial Commissioner for Defence Innovation at an international conference held with the title “Similarities, Differences and Possibilities of Cooperation in the Fields of Hungarian and Polish Armed Forces Development” at the Wacław Felczak Institute in Warsaw on 16 January.