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Többnemzeti Helikopter Harcászati Oktatóképző Gyakorlat_Pápa_CSG_1

Iron Birds

12:41 October 10, 2024

The multinational Helicopter Tactics Instructors Course (HTIC-24) has entered its second week in Pápa, Hungary, where there are various rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft “on offer” throughout three weeks.


Above the clouds, in formation

12:36 October 10, 2024

Above the clouds in ten-ship formation – our Gripens take off together with eleven nations for two weeks at Exercise Ramstein Flag 24. During the wide-scale event, more than 60 aircraft will be airborne at the same time twice a day, ensuring the practice of combined NATO air operations and the development of capabilities.

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The 31st Hungarian KFOR contingent started its service in Kosovo

21:05 October 5, 2024

The 31st rotation of the Hungarian Defence Forces' contingent deployed with the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) has begun its six-month deployment. Major General Özkan Ulutaş, KFOR’s Commander, presided over the change of command ceremony, held on 28 September, at Camp Novo Selo. Béla Bozsik, Hungary's Ambassador to Kosovo and other officials were also in attendance.

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Quick Response 2024

13:21 September 30, 2024

EUFOR Operation Althea, the peacekeeping mission of the European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina conducted Exercise Quick Response 2024 between 24 August and 16 September. The forces of the mission accomplished the training event first in 2012, and since then, it has ranked among the largest international military training events in the Western Balkans country every year.

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Italian–Hungarian Live Firing Exercise on Hajdúhadház shooting range

13:17 September 30, 2024

The Italian and Hungarian companies of the NATO Forward Land Force Battle Group (FLF BG), stationed in and led by Hungary, are carrying out live-fire exercises on the shooting range in Hajdúhadház these weeks. So far, the Hungarian company (infantrymen of the 39th motorized infantry battalion) has dominated there, but now the Italian soldiers have also joined in and started with live firing at once.


We are Developing the European Union’s Helicopter Capability

13:14 September 30, 2024

An international helicopter tactical exercise is about to start in Hungary with the participation of five nations, wrote Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky on his social media page. The defence minister called attention to the fact that strengthening the joint EU defence capabilities is among the priorities of the Hungarian EU presidency.

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Attachés’ Visit to Hódmezővásárhely

13:08 September 30, 2024

Eighteen members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) visited the HDF 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade on 25 September. During the visit, the delegation gained insight into the structure and task system of the unit, then they learned about the capabilities of the Lynx infantry fighting vehicle during a static display.

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We are cooperating with North Macedonia in handling the migration crisis

10:42 September 30, 2024

Due to its geographical position, North Macedonia has outstanding importance in curbing illegal migration – stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, who talked about this topic after holding discussions with North Macedonian Deputy Minister of Defence Elfet Ismaili, and then with Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Nikoloski within the framework of a Hungarian–North Macedonian joint governmental meeting in Ohrid.

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European Week of Sport Starts with LED’s Run

14:47 September 24, 2024

The LED’s Run night running, the official opening event of the European Week of Sport in Budapest, was held with the participation of thousands of hobby sportspersons in the National Athletics Centre on Monday evening.

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Chief of Italian Army General Staff visits Hungary

12:23 September 24, 2024

General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of the HDF General Staff and Lieutenant General Carmine Masiello, Chief of Italian Army General Staff spoke highly about the importance of bilateral military cooperation between Hungary and Italy at their recent meeting held on Újmajor international military base near Veszprém.