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HDF 86th Helicopter Wing

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Flares in the sky

12:42 February 26, 2025

During the NATO Electronic Warfare Force Integration Program’s (NEWFIP) multinational Exercise Ramstein Guard 2025, the aircrew of the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing was practicing the release of infrared flares from a H145M helicopter. This pyrotechnic device can be useful as countermeasure when the aircraft is targeted with guided missiles.

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In the air from tomorrow

13:35 July 2, 2024

The July 3 opening ceremony in Szolnok will mark the beginning of the 46th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship this week.


15,000 Hours Flown!

11:46 June 14, 2024

The Airbus helicopter fleet bought as part of the National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program has flown 15,000 hours. Thomas Hein, Head of Europe Region, Airbus Helicopters, awarded the joint achievement of the H145M and the already arrived H225M helicopters with a commemorative plaque at the ILA Berlin Air Show International Aerospace Exhibition.

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Preparing for the world championship

11:25 June 4, 2024

Training jumps are already in progress for the 46th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship. The members of the five-strong Hungarian national military parachuting team are participating in training camps. The opening of the world championship to be organized in Hungary will be held in downtown Szolnok on 3 July.

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Saying thanks for the helicopter assistance

15:36 September 28, 2023

Slovenian ambassador to Budapest Dr. Marjan Cencen recently paid a visit to the Hungarian Defence Forces 86th Helicopter Wing to personally say thanks for the Hungarian assistance to Slovenia during one of the major natural disasters that had hit his country.