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Dr. Zsolt Kutnyánszky

08:02 January 22, 2024
dr. sticz laszlo vezerornagy, az eufor parancsnoka.rt  (nyitó)

“I Represent 23 Nations”

16:01 June 7, 2024

Major General László Sticz PhD has been the Commander of the EU’s peacekeeping mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EUFOR Operation Althea for nearly six months. We asked him about the first half of his one-year assignment.


Hungarian senior officer receives NATO recognition

10:01 June 6, 2024

Transformation through training – this is the motto of the NATO Joint Force Training Centre (NATO JFTC), which is responsible, among others, for combined and national training in the defensive Alliance, for concept development and for the enhancement of interoperability. During a ceremony held to mark the 20th anniversary of the military organization, Lieutenant Colonel Gábor Endrődi, Staff Officer, HOST/Operations Section, JFTC received a certificate of commendation from the chief of staff of NATO’s Allied Command Transformation (ACT) for his outstanding service from September 2022 to August 2023.

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Meeting of Finnish and Hungarian Defence Policy Directors

09:56 June 6, 2024

László Hajnik, MoD Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy, was on an official visit to Helsinki between 16 and 17 May. The goal of the meeting was to continue the defence policy consultation begun last year.

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Budapest to Host the New World Athletics Ultimate Championship in 2026

15:47 June 4, 2024

Hungary will host the first World Athletics Ultimate Championship in September 2026, the top event in the season. Sebastian Coe, president of the World Athletics (WA), had a negotiation in person with Dr Ádám Schmidt, State Secretary for Sports of the Ministry of Defence, and they concluded an agreement on the World Athletics Ultimate Championship.

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Preparing for the world championship

11:25 June 4, 2024

Training jumps are already in progress for the 46th CISM World Military Parachuting Championship. The members of the five-strong Hungarian national military parachuting team are participating in training camps. The opening of the world championship to be organized in Hungary will be held in downtown Szolnok on 3 July.

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CBRN defence troops in live situation

11:17 June 4, 2024

The Serbian–Hungarian military exercise codenamed Purple Field 2024 was recently held in Krusevac, Serbia.

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Soldiers from Hódmezővásárhely in the Slovenian Mountains

16:17 June 3, 2024

The Hungarian Defence Forces were represented by the soldiers of the HDF 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade at the Best Squad Competition, recently organized by the Slovenian Armed Forces.

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Overseas support for our reservists

16:14 June 3, 2024

On 30 May, Lieutenant General Attila Takács, Deputy Chief of General Staff for Territorial Defence received Assistant Adjutant General of the Ohio Army National Guard Brigadier General Matthew Scott Woodruff and the delegation headed by him on a courtesy visit.

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Hungarian Defence Forces further strengthened with Leopard tanks

16:08 June 3, 2024

The HDF 1st Armored Brigade recently received another two Leopard 2A7HU main battle tanks – announced Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky.


Strengthening Hungarian–Romanian cooperation – together in KFOR

15:24 May 31, 2024

General Gábor Böröndi PhD, Chief of HDF General Staff and General Gheorghiţă Vlad, Chief of Defence Staff, Romanian Armed Forces talked about current military issues during a bilateral discussion at their border meeting held in the barracks of the HDF 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Hódmezővásárhely on 30 May.