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General Dr. Gábor Böröndi

16:43 May 2, 2023

G e n e r a l  G á b o r  B Ö R Ö N D I  P h D .

Chief of Defence Staff - Hungarian Defence Forces

Born in Kaposvár on 6th April 1971, General Gábor Böröndi PhD. is married with three children. Having graduated at Kossuth Lajos Military Academy in 1992, as a mechanized infantry officer, he was posted to the 26th Mechanized Infantry Brigade in Lenti, where he served as the Platoon Leader, Company Commander and Battalion Executive Officer in consecutive order. In 1996, on leaving Lenti to his new position at the 4th Mechanized Division Command, located in Székesfehérvár, he began his studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Miskolc and graduated in 2001.

Beginning in 1997, he was deployed to the UNFICYP HQ as OPS officer for a one-year period. His career continued at the Ministry of Defence (Budapest) between 1999 and 2006. During this phase, he was promoted to Major, then Lieutenant Colonel and finally Colonel reaching the position of Head of Department of Defence Planning through the position of the Head Secretariat of State Secretary. He served his second tour in 2002 when deployed to SFOR MSU as LNO. In 2003, he was selected to deploy as the first Hungarian soldier in Afghanistan to ISAF HQ as J-3 OPS officer. For a brief time, by utilizing his own experiences gained abroad, he led the PSO Department of the Operations Command Centre of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

In 2007, he was assigned to be the Deputy Commander of the 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade, located in Debrecen. The same year, he started his 2nd tour in Afghanistan at the ISAF HQ as HUN NMR. In 2009, he took over the Commander position of the 5th Bocskai István Light Infantry Brigade. He was appointed to be the Chief of Land Forces (Deputy Commander) of the Joint Force Command of the Hungarian Defence Forces in 2013. In 2017, he completed his studies at the National War College of National Defence University in Washington, USA. From 2018 as Major General, he served as the Chief J-3, (Deputy Chief of Defence for Operations) General Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces until his appointment to Deputy Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces (DCHOD) with the rank of Lieutenant General, in 2019.

In the summer of 2021, he was appointed to the Military Representative of Hungary to the NATO and EU, which took up to his new assignment to Hungarian Chief of Defence Staff on 4th May 2023. On the recommendation of the Minister of Defence he was promoted to the rank of General on 20th August 2023. Between 2017-2021, he was responsible for developing the Digital Soldier Program while he was the Military Supervisor of the Zrínyi Defence and Military Development Program.

General Böröndi’s national and international decorations and awards, among numerous, including the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic Knight’s Cross, the Order of Merit of France and the Legion of Merit of The United States of America.


Many-sided Hungarian–Polish cooperation

14:45 February 22, 2024

On 21 February, the ministries of defence of Hungary and Poland signed a bilateral military cooperation plan in Budapest. The document was signed on the part of Hungary by Colonel Albert Gróf, Head of MoD Department for International Cooperation, while on the part of Poland by Colonel Mnitowski Sławomir, the military, air and defence attaché of the Republic of Poland.


Outstanding Hungarian performance in the conflict zone

13:17 February 21, 2024

Before completing their tour of duty abroad, the Hungarian and Polish soldiers serving with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) received their peacekeeping medals in the framework of a medal parade ceremony.


CISM Day Run in Camp Butmir

12:15 February 21, 2024

The CISM International Day of Military Sports was celebrated in Camp Butmir All participants were welcomed by COM EUFOR Major General László Sticz, who also started the run. Hundreds of personnel from EUFOR and NATO walked or ran the route.


The development of the Hungarian armed forces is indispensable

12:12 February 19, 2024

“The Hungarian Defence Forces must be brought into such a condition that the country can defend itself if needed – therefore, “we cannot shun, we cannot duck out of the development of the armed forces”, stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in Budapest on 16 February.


Hungarian Defence Forces to provide training to help demining in Ukraine

12:02 February 16, 2024

On the margins of the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence in Brussels on 15 February, twenty countries of the organization – among them, Hungary – signed a letter of intent on the establishment of a Mine Action Coalition – announced Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky on his social media page.

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As a committed NATO member, Hungary continues developing its armed forces

11:28 February 16, 2024

NATO is made up of national forces, and that is why every member state has to develop its own forces; being committed to its NATO membership, Hungary is doing so indeed – stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky after the Meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence in Brussels on 15 February.


French connection

11:40 February 15, 2024

Lieutenant Thibault Lemaire has arrived from the École Militaire Interarmes of the French Armed Forces for a field exercise to the HDF 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade, where the already-serving non-commissioned officers and enlisted soldiers are trained to become officers.

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PzH: More than 500 applicants

13:55 February 14, 2024

More than 500 young people have applied to serve in Tata in the framework of the recruitment campaign “Man to the hardware!”. The final personnel will be selected from among them, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in Tata on 13 February, the inprocessing day of the personnel applying to enlist into the 1st Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion of the Hungarian Defence Forces 1st Armored Brigade.


Test Flight with the First Hungarian KC-390 Military Transport Aircraft

12:42 February 9, 2024

The first Embraer KC-390 military transport aircraft of the Hungarian Defence Forces took off in Brazil on 8 February. According to the plans, the aircraft will be delivered to Hungary this year. By using this type of Brazilian aircraft that attracts increasing attention worldwide, the HDF are acquiring a new capability in the field of military air transport.


Hungarian Government Supports Sweden’s Accession to NATO

14:25 February 5, 2024

The Hungarian government supports the ratification of Sweden’s accession to NATO, which is why it submitted the proposal to the National Assembly – said Gergely Gulyás, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office at the Government Info in Budapest on 1 February.