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Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky

21:15 May 24, 2022
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Tamás Vargha: Hungarian identity can only be preserved through the Hungarian language

12:45 September 29, 2022

On Wednesday, 28 September the Rákóczi Alliance presented grants to first-former and school-preparatory class children in the Hungarian-speaking schools of Pecica (Pécska) and Peregu Mic (Kispereg) in Arad County, Romania. At the grant ceremony, MoD Parliamentary State Secretary and Deputy Defence Minister Tamás Vargha thanked the teachers and the parents for “preserving Hungarian identity” for the children.


Assistant Adjutant General of Ohio National Guard arrives on an official visit

12:37 September 29, 2022

On Tuesday, 28 September Dr. Gáspár Maróth, MoD State Secretary for Defence Policy and Development and Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces received Major General Steven Stivers, Assistant Adjutant General, Ohio National Guard on an official visit.


New director takes the helm at MILMED COE

12:32 September 29, 2022

Fourteen years ago, the establishment of the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine despite the lack of practical experience and the legal environment was a great achievement for Hungary as a relatively new NATO member country, said MoD Parliamentary State Secretary and Deputy Defence Minister Tamás Vargha at the Change of Command ceremony of the international organization held in the Military Hospital, Budapest on 28 September.

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Unified defence, a multitude of aspects

07:45 September 29, 2022

As part of a field study, Senior Course 141 of the NATO Defence College recently paid a visit to Budapest. The Course Members of NATO’s senior-level education were introduced to Hungary’s position on foreign and defence policy and received information about the Hungarian Defence Forces. Among others, the event was attended by Dr. Gáspár Maróth, MoD State Secretary for Defence Policy and Development and Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces.


Production of first Hungarian KC-390 military airlifter is ahead of schedule

14:40 September 28, 2022

Between 19–21 September, an expert-level military delegation paid a visit to the Embraer manufacturing facility in Gavião Peixoto, Brazil, headed by the Hungarian Defence Forces Command Force Planning Directorate (HDFC FPD) as the organization professionally responsible for the KC-390 Military Transport Aircraft Capability Development Program.

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Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: We have a vested interest in peace being restored as soon as possible

14:33 September 28, 2022

We have a vested interest in peace being restored in Ukraine as soon as possible, and every effort must be made to prevent the escalation of the war and the involvement of the V4 countries, the European Union and NATO in it, stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky after a meeting of V4 defence ministers in Banska Stiavnica (Selmecbánya), Slovakia on Tuesday, 27 September.


Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: Hungary is committed to continuing its armed forces development program

16:40 September 26, 2022

We are committed to continuing our ongoing armed forces development program, stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at a press conference held in Bratislava together with his Slovak counterpart, Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad after their bilateral meeting on Monday, 26 September.


Hungarian delegation at the autumn CLIMS conference

16:34 September 26, 2022

Headed by Tamás Zsiga, MoD Deputy Secretary for Human Resource Policy, a delegation of three represented Hungary at the 2022 autumn conference of the Liaison Committee of Social Military Organizations (CLIMS) held in Sofia, Bulgaria between 19–22 September.



12:26 September 22, 2022

During his visit to Lithuania – on 21st September – Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces, also visited the Šiauliai Air Base, where since 1st August, the fighter pilots of the Hungarian Defence Forces have been protecting the airspaces of Lithuania Estonia and Latvia in the framework of the Baltic Air Policing (BAP) mission, for four months.

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12:16 September 22, 2022

Between 19th and 21st September a meeting of the governing body of the PESCO Cyber and Information Domain Coordination Centre (CIDCC), implemented within the framework of the PESCO program of the European Union, was held in Budapest, organised by the Cyber Inspectorate of the Hungarian Defence Forces Command. The event was opened by Gáspár Maróth, the Secretary of State for Defence Policy and Defence Development, Ministry of Defence.