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Lieutenant General Ferenc Kajári

14:33 May 9, 2023

Lieutenant General Ferenc Kajári was born on 5th July 1967 in Budapest, Hungary. He is married to Veronika and has a daughter and a son.

Upon graduating from the military secondary school, he joined the Kossuth Lajos Military College of the Hungarian Defence Forces in 1985. He commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1988 with an armoured reconnaissance officer degree and a general engineer degree.

Between 1988 and 1996, Major General Kajári served in various Infantry Brigades and MI positions as a platoon leader, company commander, S2 staff officer and Brigade S2.

In 1996, he was assigned to the Hungarian Engineer Contingent of IFOR and served as an S2 and liaison officer in the staff. On completion of his deployment, his career continued at the Ministry of Defence, where he served in a number of positions, most notably as the Aide-de-Camp to the Deputy State Secretary for NATO Integration. In 1998 he was selected to deploy in one of the newly established Partnership for Peace staff positions, and was assigned to the Headquarters of SACLANT, where he served in the PfP staff element until Hungary’s NATO accession in 1999 when he repositioned to serve in the Education and Training Department until his return to Hungary in 2001.

From 2001 he was serving in different staff positions at the J2 Directorate of the Hungarian Defence Forces. In the same year he enrolled to the National Defence University, and in 2004 earned his Master’s degree in military leadership.

In 2004 he deployed to Darfur as an EU representative and Military Observer of the African Union Mission in the Sudan (AMIS), where by the second half of his tour he organised the S2 section in his sector and became the sector S2 chief. In 2007 he deployed to Afghanistan, where he served as the first Hungarian Chief CJ2, ACOS in RC-North of ISAF.

Between 2014 and 2015 he attended the General Staff Course of the National University of Public Service, where he earned the “ZRÍNYI Award” of the class of 2015.

In 2016 he was appointed as the director of the Military National Security Service Intelligence Directorate. In 2017 he was promoted to Brigadier General, and in 2021 to Major General, and in 2023 to Lieutenant General.

2021 marks his most noted tour as he was selected and deployed to the position of Commander of the NATO mission KFOR until the hand-over in 2022 when he continued his service as the director of the Military National Security Service Intelligence Directorate until his promotion to which took up to his new assignment to Deputy Chief of Defence Staff on 8th May 2023


Hungary is Stronger and More Secure with Every Trained Soldier!

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For the seventh time overall, a NATO Doctrine Development Course started in Budapest for the second time this year.

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Meeting of V4 Chiefs of Defence in Poland

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Chiefs of defence of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries – among them, General Dr. Gábor Böröndi, Chief of HDF General Staff – recently reviewed the security challenges of Central and Eastern Europe as well as the issues of joint cooperation at their meeting held in Gdynia, Poland.

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Hungary feels the weight of history

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Hungary is aware of the terrible human and material costs of war – stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the session of the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) at Chiefs of Defence level in Castle Garden Bazaar, Budapest on Monday, 14 October.

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Hungary leads the way in generating SOF aviation capabilities

16:42 October 11, 2024

The multinational Special Operations Air Task Group (SOATG) recently conducted a large-scale, comprehensive exercise with international participation at the Hévíz-Balaton Airport, Sármellék, Zala County, Hungary. Colonel Péter Simon, Acting Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces Joint Special Operations Command (HDF JSOC) and Colonel Ferenc Könczöl, Acting Commander, Hungarian Air Force made an on-site inspection of the combined training event conducted with foreign partners.


Hungarian Film about Military Operation in Kabul Sets Example for Today’s Heroes

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09:57 October 11, 2024

Like in earlier years, the soldiers of the HDF 2nd Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Regiment recently lined up on Bakonykút Military Training Base, where the international exercise series Bornemissza Fokos (Bornemissza Axe) 2024, Rejtett Portya (Covert Raid) 2024 and Strong Will 2024 started by reading out the field order.

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They must be able to protect themselves so that they can protect others

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Peacekeeping missions have an increasing role in preserving international peace and security. Our dynamically changing world, however, keeps posing ever-newer threats to the soldiers and policemen participating in these missions. Designed to give a response to such threats, the latest Force Protection course of the United Nations is being hosted by the Hungarian Defence Forces Military Training Centre these weeks.


Cooperation, unity, readiness

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The nearly two-week Exercise Strong Bastion 24 of the Headquarters Multinational Division Centre has started with an opening ceremony. This time, the exercise is focusing on the command of tactical operations on division level.


Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of EUFOR receive Hungarian military medal of merit

16:41 October 10, 2024

In recognition of their contribution, dedication and loyalty to the successful implementation of the Hungarian Command Year of EUFOR, Commander of EUFOR Major General László Sticz ceremonially presented the “Honours for the Partnership” to Brigadier General Lorenzo Dal Maso, Deputy Commander of EUFOR and Brigadier General Herbert Sailer, Chief of Staff of EUFOR.