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Hungarian Gripens above Estonia as well

16:16 November 24, 2022

Necessitated by the war in Ukraine, safeguarding the airspace of the three NATO ally Baltic countries is more important than ever, and this year’s is already the third occasion when the air force of the Hungarian Defence Forces participates in the Baltic Air Policing mission, this time as a lead nation – this was said at a discussion between Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky and Raul Toomas, Estonia’s ambassador in Budapest on Monday, 21 November.


Commander of Hungarian Defence Forces visits Pakistani defence exhibition

13:46 November 21, 2022

This year the International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) was organized at Karachi Export Centre, Pakistan between 15 and 18 November. Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces paid a visit to the exhibition together with Major General Dr. László Sticz, Commander, HDF Force Modernization and Transformation Command and Colonel István Ocskay, Director, Institute for Modernization, HDF Force Modernization and Transformation Command.


Commander of KFOR visits Camp Novo Selo

12:48 November 18, 2022

Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, the commander of the KFOR mission recently paid a visit to the HDF KFOR Tactical Reserve Battalion (KTRBN) stationed in Camp Novo Selo. The aim of the COM KFOR’s visit was to obtain a comprehensive picture of the functioning of the Hungarian battalion and the camp.


Brigadier General József Szpisják is the new KFOR Deputy Commander

10:40 November 18, 2022

On 14 November, Italian Brigadier General Luca Piperni relinquished his position of KFOR deputy commander to Hungarian Brigadier General József Szpisják during a Transfer of Authority ceremony in Camp Film City, Pristina, Kosovo.


Defence planning in focus

10:30 November 18, 2022

On Thursday, 17 November, Lieutenant General Zsolt Sándor, Deputy Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces received in his office an American delegation from the Institute for Security Governance.


Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: strengthening defence capabilities is now a priority for all international alliances

10:26 November 18, 2022

The events of the last few days also demonstrate that currently all international alliances consider the strengthening of defence capabilities a priority, stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in Jerusalem, after holding a discussion with Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz.


Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: we have seen the Israeli anti-rocket system Iron Dome in action

12:01 November 17, 2022

On Wednesday, 16 November, President of Hungary Katalin Novák and Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky saw the Israeli anti-rocket system Iron Dome in action.

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Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi: cooperation among Visegrád Four countries is important

11:37 November 17, 2022

For Hungary, the Visegrád Group is an important regional framework of defence cooperation. Due to the ongoing war in our immediate neighborhood, the defence policy and military cooperation of the V4 countries has outstanding significance, stated Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces at the Chiefs of Defence of the Visegrád Group Meeting held between 14 and 16 November in Halič, Slovakia.


Hungarian Puma jumps to the next level

14:04 November 16, 2022

The exercise series based on cooperation between the No. 99 Squadron Royal Air Force (RAF) and the HDF Pápa Air Base has reached another milestone: the airmen of the unit had the opportunity to demonstrate their skills during a spectacular training event.

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Hungarian armed forces development contributes to strengthening European defence capabilities

13:38 November 16, 2022

Already under way since 2016, the large-scale development of the Hungarian armed forces actively contributes to the strengthening of European defence capabilities and the European defence industry, stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in Brussels on Tuesday, 15 November.