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Isolation tears us apart, joining forces makes us stronger

16:50 November 19, 2021

The professional conference of the Resistance Operating Concept is held in Budapest with the objective of introducing and debating the document published with this title by the US Special Operations Command Europe, which defines the possible role of resistance in the national resilience capability, and the related operational concepts.

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Soldier generations need to join forces

16:33 November 19, 2021

The National Defence and Armed Forces Development Program can only be really successful if the soldier generations join forces, working and serving together to attain their goal, Defence Minister Tibor Benkő pointed out in his lecture delivered at the 29th Meeting of Soldier Generations on Thursday, 18 November.

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Conference of Central European military leaders in Bulgaria

13:48 November 19, 2021

On 17-18 November the capital city of Bulgaria hosted the Central Europe Chiefs of Defence Conference. The conference of Central European command senior enlisted leaders also took place in Sofia, on 17 November. The participants of both conferences emphasized the need for close cooperation and the importance of continuous exchange of information.

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Tibor Benkő holds discussion with USSOCOM Commander

13:40 November 19, 2021

Defence Minister Tibor Benkő recently received General Richard D. Clarke, Commanding General, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) on a courtesy call. The meeting took place in the framework of the conference “Resistance and Resilience Concept” in Stefánia Palace, Budapest on Thursday, 18 November.

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Letter of Intent reached

13:22 November 19, 2021

On Thursday, 18 November Georgian Defence Minister Juansher Burchuladze visited the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (NATO MILMED COE) to sign a Letter of Intent on cooperation which had previously been signed by NATO MILMED COE Director Brigadier General Dr. Dirk-Friedrich Klagges.

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Defence Minister Tibor Benkő holds discussion with his Georgian counterpart

10:39 November 19, 2021

On 18 November, Defence Minister Tibor Benkő met with his counterpart, Georgian Defence Minister Juansher Burchuladze in Budapest. At a press conference held after the plenary discussion, the Hungarian minister stated that Hungary supports Georgia’s intentions of integration in every respect.


Hungary supports Georgia’s aspirations for accession in every respect

10:13 November 19, 2021

“During the discussions, we are giving priority to Georgia’s intention to join the European Union and NATO”, Defence Minister Tibor Benkő said at a joint press conference held with his counterpart, Georgian Defence Minister Juansher Burchuladze in Budapest on 18 November.

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Commemorating the saddest moment of recent Croatian history

08:06 November 19, 2021

Soldiers of the Headquarters Multinational Division – Centre (HQ MND-C) held a silent commemoration ceremony for the victims of the war and the events in Vukovar and Škabrnja at the Holy Spirit Military Cemetery in Székesfehérvár on Thursday, 18 November.

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20:07 November 17, 2021


EU defence ministerial and V4+ meeting in Brussels

10:39 November 17, 2021

On 15–16 November the defence ministers of the European Union met in Brussels, where Hungary was represented by Defence Minister Tibor Benkő. Prior to the defence ministers’ plenary sessions, the defence ministers of the Visegrád Four countries met with their counterpart, French Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly. The discussion was the first ministerial-level meeting of the Hungarian V4 presidency in V4+ format.