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Cooperation for the security of Europe

16:43 November 3, 2021

On 3 November, US Major General (Ret.) Barre R. Seguin, Director, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies paid a visit to Hungary. He met and held discussions with the leaders of the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces Command.

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Monument in the “hell within hell”

14:07 November 3, 2021

“We must remember and remind to ensure that such horrors never occur again”, said Defence Minister Tibor Benkő at the inauguration of a WWI memorial site for Hungarian soldiers in Nova Gorica, Slovenia on 2 November.

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Defence Minister Tibor Benkő discusses regional security with his Slovenian counterpart

14:04 November 3, 2021

Hungarian Defence Minister Tibor Benkő and Slovenian Defence Minister Matej Tonin held a discussion in Ljubljana on Tuesday, 2 November.

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Defence Minister Tibor Benkő discusses regional security with his Slovenian counterpart

13:44 November 3, 2021

Hungarian Defence Minister Tibor Benkő and Slovenian Defence Minister Matej Tonin held a discussion in Ljubljana on Tuesday, 2 November.

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OPS seminar for Exercise Alligator Sword 2021

17:10 October 28, 2021

In the lead of the 1 German/Netherlands Corps (1GNC), the staff of Headquarters Multinational Division - Centre (HQ MND-C) took part in a two-day operations seminar to discuss the tasks related to exercise 'ALLIGATOR SWORD 2021' in Alba Regia barracks in Székesfehérvár during the last week of October.

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Cooperation strengthens between CEDC and Western Balkans countries

13:15 October 28, 2021

On 26 October, defence policy directors of the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) and the countries of the Western Balkans met in Trakošćan, Croatia. Hungary was represented at the meeting by Dr. Gergely Németh, Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy of the Ministry of Defence.

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Work starts by following the paved path

13:02 October 28, 2021

Some weeks ago, Major General Ferenc Kajári took over the command of the Kosovo Force (KFOR), NATO’s largest and longest-running mission as the first Hungarian general. The recent period of time has been busy and full of content for the new commander.

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V4: Joint preparation, joint results

15:47 October 27, 2021

In the framework of the Hungarian V4 Presidency’s program, the V4 Planning Group held its regular meeting in Budapest on 26 October with the main aim of discussing the member countries’ current issues in the fields of defence policy and capability development, and of exploring opportunities for further cooperation.

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NATO Defence Ministers Meet in Brussels

07:20 October 24, 2021

The defence ministers of the NATO member states met on 21-22 October in Brussels. At the meeting, the ministers touched on topics such as the Alliance's deterrence and defence posture, and the situation in Afghanistan and Iraq. At a seminar prior to the NATO meetings, European Union defence ministers discussed the "Strategic Compass" process, which will determine the future of European defence. There was also a ministerial meeting of the member states of the German-led Framework Nation Concept.

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Minister of Defence Lays Wreath in Brussels

07:10 October 24, 2021

On 22nd October, Minister of Defence Tibor Benkő, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Hungary in NATO Zoltán Nagy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Belgium and Luxembourg Iván Tamás Kovács, and Lieutenant General Gábor Böröndi, Head of the Military Representative Office laid a wreath in the presence of Piarist Priest István Havas and members of the Hungarian 1956 Diaspora.