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Defence Attachés’ Meeting

Text: Bettina Sin | Photo: Kinga Szováthy, Gábor Kormány |  11:39 June 14, 2024

Members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps visited the HDF Cyber and Information Operations Centre in Szentendre and the HDF Territorial Defence Forces Command in Budapest on the first week of June. Altogether 20 resident and non-resident attachés accredited to Hungary from 14 nations participated in the programs. During the event, the organizers presented several pieces of tactical equipment and cultural heritage, including the G-Mercedes vehicles used at the PSYOPS exercises and the museum showing the history of NCO training.


In the annual schedule of the corps with foreign defence attachés accredited to Hungary, visits to units and other events introducing the operation of the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces acquire an important place. Diplomats find discussions important; they are open to learning about the Hungarian Defence Forces and are ready to share their experiences with our country to profit from the opportunities of dialogue.

In the HDF Cyber and Information Operations Centre in Szentendre, Lieutenant Colonel László Polyecskó, acting commander, introduced the organization and its operation. Then, Attila Busa, national defence employee and head of the training department, gave a presentation about the cyber security training courses of the HDF.

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In the HDF Territorial Defence Forces Command in Budapest, the visitors received detailed information about the structure of the military organization and its task system from the presentation of Brigadier General László Drót, commander. Within the framework of the visit, Lieutenant Colonel Antal Orosz, commander, introduced the HDF 2nd ‘vitéz Vattay Antal’ Territorial Defence Regiment, then Major Zoltán Prácser, military operations and training director, talked about the HDF 7th Territorial Defence Regiment and its tasks.

The attaché corps was informed by Colonel Antal Szöllősi, Head of the MoD Defence Policy Department, about the tasks of the Ministry of Defence during Hungary’s EU presidency.