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Kinga Szováthy

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NCOs Thinking in Community

13:50 July 18, 2024

The Hungarian Defence Forces NCO Academy held its International Conference of NCO Academies for the second time in Szentendre between 10 and 13 July.


Defence Attachés’ Meeting

11:39 June 14, 2024

Members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps visited the HDF Cyber and Information Operations Centre in Szentendre and the HDF Territorial Defence Forces Command in Budapest on the first week of June. Altogether 20 resident and non-resident attachés accredited to Hungary from 14 nations participated in the programs. During the event, the organizers presented several pieces of tactical equipment and cultural heritage, including the G-Mercedes vehicles used at the PSYOPS exercises and the museum showing the history of NCO training.


From Ohio to Újdörögd

13:19 May 27, 2024

“We’re planning a long-term cooperation program with the Ohio National Guard. Our reservists are highly motivated by the prospect of Hungarian soldiers participating in an exercise to be organized in the USA in 2026” – said Captain István Németh in emphasizing the significance of Exercise Valiant Panther 2024. The commander of the training company of the 83rd Territorial Defence Battalion of the HDF Klempa Kálmán 7th Territorial Defence Regiment was talking about the 10-day maneuvers being conducted on the Újdörögd shooting range.


Next Hungarian astronaut has been selected!

13:14 May 27, 2024

The next Hungarian astronaut has been selected. Tibor Kapu may become the Hungarian to go to space –Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky recently announced on his social media page. The Hungarian Defence Forces have played a major role in preparing the astronauts.


Aircraft Arrive at Pápa in Several Waves

10:14 May 9, 2024

Exercise Swift Response, which puts NATO’s eastern flank in the centre, is part of Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024. At the forefront of Swift Response are those defence capabilities which help the NATO alliance system repel possible aggression from the East. Within the framework of the exercise, German and Dutch troops of the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps – Italy (NRDC-ITA) arrive at Pápa to participate in an airborne operation in Romania. Our crew captured the arrival of the aircraft at the HDF 47th Airbase.

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Maximum hose capacity

14:13 May 2, 2024

Not a single drop can fall on the ground of the 150 thousand liters of fuel that is being handled by fuel supply specialist soldiers during the setting up, operation and dismantling of a Bulk Fuel Installation (BFI). Within the framework of structured cooperation, the German-Hungarian fuel supply Exercise Safety Fuel is held every year. The multinational personnel go on the exercise to work together from mid-April to the end of May.


International military observers on closing exercise

11:51 April 26, 2024

On 24 April, the participants of the 44th International Military Observer Course (IMOC) conducted the closing exercise of their three-week training program at the HDF Peace Support Centre. The students from 18 nations carried out information gathering missions, patrol tasks and aerial reconnaissance flight. As one of the last phases of their closing exercise, the participants assisted with the treatment of casualties in a refugee camp and practiced media relations skills as well.


HDF begin exhuming more than a thousand former prisoners of war

13:05 April 22, 2024

”Out of those deceased in the former Baja POW camp, 1023 German and Hungarian soldiers and laborers were reinterred in three large mass graves opposite the barracks in 1948. Exhumation work in the area has already begun” – wrote recently Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky on his social media profile.

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Exemplary Commitment to Security and Defence Policy

17:10 April 15, 2024

Austrian General Robert Brieger, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (CEUMC) recently paid a visit to Hungary. The high-ranking military diplomat held discussions with Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó and General Gábor Böröndi PhD, Chief of HDF General Staff.

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Várpalota ammo plant continues to grow

16:10 April 5, 2024

“Europe’s most modern artillery ammunition production plant is being built in the eastern part of Várpalota” – underlined Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, CEO, N7 Holding National Defence Industry Innovation Plc. at the groundbreaking ceremony of the factory building of the Várpalota Defence Industrial Complex manufacturing 155mm artillery shells on Wednesday, 3 April.